September 2020 Monthly challenge, Circles VOTING OPEN

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September 2020 Monthly challenge, Circles VOTING OPEN

OPS Notices
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The first monthly photo challenge is here. These are meant to be fun photographic challenges that we hope members will be able to easily take part in and share their creations.

Post as many images as you like to this forum thread. They will be your entries into the competition

The closing date for this challenge is the 25th September.
After this date, there will be a poll, open for one week, where each member will be able to vote for their three favourite images. The three images with the highest number of votes will comprise the commended images of the challenge. We  will then ask those photographers who have the commended images, to give us a brief discussion on their images at the meeting on the 6th October.

This will shortly be posted to Instagram. Those of you that follow the OPS on Instagram, please like the post, get us noticed. We would like to interest other potential photographers in our club. Please feel free to post any images to your own Instagram feeds, using the hashtag #opsphotochallenge.

This month's topic is circles.

The rectangle and square frames of photographs are the norm and we also have design ‘rules’ such as the rule of thirds, balancing elements and leading lines that all support this format.

Be inventive, use circles to focus the viewers’ attention to the middle of the frame. Strong harsh circles can suggest containment and defined limitations but if you look for circles in nature you will find them to be softer, inviting and pleasing to the eye with their never-ending frames. In both scenarios, however, the circle forces us to look inwards and deeper into the photo.

Once you start looking for circles, we guarantee that you are to start seeing them everywhere! We want you, however, to look beyond the obvious and look a for more unexpected circles.

Good luck.
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Re: September 2020 Monthly challenge, Circles

Park bench taken with my iPhone earlier this morning
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Re: September 2020 Monthly challenge, Circles

Just taken within last few minutes while visiting Damyn Hall Aerodrome

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Re: September 2020 Monthly challenge, Circles

Ian Stedman

Taken down in sunny Eastbourne.
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Re: September 2020 Monthly challenge, Circles

In reply to this post by OPS Notices
'I Have My Eye On You'

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Re: September 2020 Monthly challenge, Circles

In reply to this post by OPS Notices
Oil and Water
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Re: September 2020 Monthly challenge, Circles

In reply to this post by OPS Notices
Heat Haze
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Re: September 2020 Monthly challenge, Circles

Richard W
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I deliberately kept my toes in order to show scale and placement in the pavement

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Re: September 2020 Monthly challenge, Circles

Richard W
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Re: September 2020 Monthly challenge, Circles

Richard W