Speaker's Corner or is it Speakers' Corner?

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Speaker's Corner or is it Speakers' Corner?

David Barnes
I am going to visit in the near future, date to be decided.
Travel from Orpington the tube.
Leaving around lunch time and back in time for whatever you do early evening.

Watch this space for date/time.

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Re: Speaker's Corner or is it Speakers' Corner?

Richard W
Count me in. I would prefer/recommend a tad earlier departure though but happy to go with the flow
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Re: Speaker's Corner or is it Speakers' Corner?

Chris Sawyer
Hoping to come along - I will keep a look out for when you are going.

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Re: Speaker's Corner or is it Speakers' Corner?

In reply to this post by David Barnes
keep me updated on the date and time as should be okay
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Re: Speaker's Corner or is it Speakers' Corner?

David Barnes
In reply to this post by David Barnes
I'm planning to go this Sunday.
10:40 from Orpington to Waterloo East then tube to Marble Arch.
Back when it gets too hot!