Steve McCurry's blog

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Steve McCurry's blog

David Barnes
If you have not found this blog you might be interested in his images.
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Re: Steve McCurry's blog

Chris Sawyer
There's an incredible variety of thought-provoking photos.  Thanks for posting this.
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Re: Steve McCurry's blog

Alan Graham
There is no doubt he and many other photojournalist of his generation opened our eyes to some of the dark recesses of this world.

My concern is the photo-tourism that is now so easy. I can imaging a line of dSLRs and tripods standing behind him wanting their own version of the poor local kids still working in squalid and dangerous conditions.
Click.... Blank....
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Re: Steve McCurry's blog

David Barnes
That's a good point. I feel uncomfortable taking pics of individuals in India. It's not unlike taking pics of beggars in UK. Unless there is a real point and it helps whoever is being photographed then don't do it. I think McCurry's pics have a place as they open our eyes to places that few of us will ever visit.