Talk at Ashford PS on Friday 10th January

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Talk at Ashford PS on Friday 10th January

Chris Sawyer
Here is a message from the KCPA about a talk this week at Ashford PS:

Please see this invitation from the Ashford PS Committee to all KCPA Club Members, if you could distribute within your own club please.

To the members of all KCPA clubs an invitation to attend our meeting this Friday, 10th January.

Our costs for this will be £3.00 which will include tea and biscuits

“ This Friday Antony Penrose will give a presentation on the Lives and Works of Lee Miller.

Antony is the son of Lee Miller and Sir Roland Penrose. Lee Miller was a fine art photographer and famous war correspondent.

Sir Roland Penrose was a Surrealist artist, poet and biographer of Picasso, Miro and Man Ray. The talk will draw upon the achieve material from both the Lee Miller and Penrose collections of which Antony is a director.

Antony was Lee Miller's biographer and perhaps copies of 'The Lives of Lee Miller’ will be available to purchase.
Lee Millers images of the Normandy landings and the Holocaust are really well known and I urge everyone to attend. “

If you or your club members need any further information please contact the Ashford Secretary directly.