Street_journo PDI entries

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Street_journo PDI entries

Richard W
Folks, the PDI entries for Street/journo comp were all due in last Tue 9th Feb. YL had arranged a day extra through Malcolm, no problem, they are in the comp. One seasoned member no names YET delivered Wed.
According to the list given to me I have two empty folders, Dave J and Bob M, please let me know if you intend to submit anything please guys, otherwise I can remove the empty folders before I start the competition build on the PC.
For the remainder of the club, because I am feeling generous, I will extend the submission deadline until 2300 hrs Sunday evening. ANYTHING received after that may just end up in the ..............................
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Re: Street_journo PDI entries

Bob Mabberley
Just seen that you have an empty folder for Street Journo PDI in my name. Not sure why, I don't have anything relevant to enter but hope to be there on Tuesday
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Re: Street_journo PDI entries

Richard W
ok, thanks Bob