Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

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Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Hi co-members, at the recent AGM I offered to co-ordinate member outings during the summer & autumn months.

This will be very dependent upon the Covid situation going forward and currently will take place outside with ideally maximum number of 6 attending until the current situation improves.

I will try to post several ideas based upon a few photo genres that maybe of interest to members, focusing on new opportunities within a reasonable / local driving distance until car sharing is acceptable.

Please add your ideas to this section as it’s up-to members participation and interest to make this work.

Here is a list of genre for starters.....

1) Wildlife
2) Sports and Action
3) Model and portraiture (outdoors)
4) Architecture (outdoors)
5) Astro and Landscape

I have received one idea already from Chris N - Kelsey Park Beckenham is an excellent location for Wildfowl Photography with easy access and possibly parking.


NB to make this work I suggest that anyone keen to join an outing should tick the auto notification /alert button where they will see ongoing and reply on updates.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Chris Sawyer
I am ready for the test outing to Kelsey Park in May.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

In reply to this post by Bazza
Thank you for looking at outings for us.

I would be interested in Kelsey Park in May.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

In reply to this post by Bazza
I’d be interested in Kelsey park. Herons breed there.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

In reply to this post by Bazza
Hi Barry
Thanks for putting this together.  Assuming the dates work, yes I would be interested.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

In reply to this post by PeterH
Brilliant - Just one more needed to make 6 at Kelsey for May. ( we could organise 2nd session later in same month if more are interested )

Will firm up some dates early May for a weekday - thinking either 5th or 6th or following 12th or 13th ( weather permitting)

Timing can be fairly early in morning when park first opens from 9am but traffic heavier.

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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Richard W
Count me in please 

Sent from my iPhone

On 23 Apr 2021, at 16:04, Bazza [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

 Brilliant - Just one more needed to make 6 at Kelsey for May. ( we could organise 2nd session later in same month if more are interested )

Will firm up some dates early May for a weekday - thinking either 5th or 6th or following 12th or 13th ( weather permitting)

Timing can be fairly early in morning when park first opens from 9am but traffic heavier.

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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Just one thing with regards to the dates - not sure when half-term falls, but perhaps best not to go that week?
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Good point Jan, will check and advise but think 3rd May is public holiday so could scupper that week.

Sent from my iPad

On 23 Apr 2021, at 18:12, JanGilkes [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Just one thing with regards to the dates - not sure when half-term falls, but perhaps best not to go that week?

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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Chris Nash
In reply to this post by Bazza
I went to Kelsey Park last Tuesday and there was a lot of birdlife on the water including various types of Geese, 2 pairs of Herons, Swans, Coots, a Cormorant and various types of Ducks.  There was a lot of action both on the water and in the sky.  
More details about Kelsey Park can be found at and on Trip Advisor.  I would recommend parking in Manor Way towards the top of the Park away from the School.  
Parking costs 70p per hour and they use the Ring Go app which you can download on your phone.  
I believe that Half Term is towards the end of May.
Attached are a few photos from last Tuesday.

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