Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

It looks good to firm up the Kelsey Park outing now with at least 6/7 attending.

I’am suggesting Tuesday the 11th May as it’s in the middle of any potential school half terms plus it’s our usual OPS day.

The meeting point at the entrance to Kelsey Park would be on Stone Park Avenue and to miss the early joggers and mid morning coffee breakers we could attend between 9.00 - 9.15 subject to parking.

Afterwards I know the Sponge Kitchens do some great cakes and coffee, using the loop around the park arriving at Wickham Road exit.

To coordinate arrivals and departures can we make sure mobile numbers are known on the day.
PS not sure we need to allow for rush hour traffic
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

PSS Chris N - do you think Stone Park would be more restricted on parking than Manor Way ? As it’s closer for coffee loop afterwards.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

In reply to this post by Bazza
Hi Barry
Unfortunately I can’t make Tuesday 11 May.  However, I could make Monday 10 or Wednesday 12 May.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

In reply to this post by Bazza
I can do 11th but have nothing on the other days if it has to changed.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

PS Don’t change the date for me.  Stay with your original proposal.  Hopefully I will be able to join you on another occasion.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Chris Sawyer
Hi Barrie,

Thanks for organising the KP trip.  Unfortunately the 11th is my birthday and my body is required at home.  The 10th or 12th are OK for me if it is possible to switch.

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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Chris Nash
In reply to this post by Bazza
Barrie, Stone Park Avenue is a busy road and I don't remember seeing anywhere suitable for parking in that road.  Manor Way is also busy near the school end so I would suggest heading to the far end of Manor Way towards a road called a road called Greenways (Post Code BR3 3LJ).  I would also suggest meeting later in the day, say 10 or even 10:30 to avoid driving in heavy traffic.  In terms of dates either Tuesday 11th or Wednesday 12th is good for me.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Bazza

I can't make the outings due to work . Out of interest, what lens is best suited for these type of Wildlife shots?

Have any of you tried the wildlife park at Bluewater?
From a wander, last October. Now the model boat club is open and I'll be there weekly, I hope to get a few more photos
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Richard W
Simple answer Ian is to use a long focal length, the longer the closer BUT holding it still is not easy so tripod or bean bag would help. I have a 150-600 which is heavy so very fast shutter speed is needed if handheld which means higher ISO and introduction of noise becomes an issue
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

In reply to this post by Chris Nash
Okay - upon checking with Chris N we will meet at far end of Manor Way linked to Greenways at BR3 3LJ or if your using “What3words” it’s ///plots.cats.tins, starting from 10am on Tuesday 11th - we can include those unable to attend on future events that will hopefully follow.


Whilst considering the above outing I wondered whether anyone would be interested in a “Bluebell session” before they all disappear. I’am checking a very local area at the back of Farnborough Fields and depending upon uptake this could be arranged between 6th - 10th May or between 12th- 17th when I’am off on holiday.

As we all know Bluebells can be very difficult to photograph and it’s worth looking at alternative effects and perspectives, the above area has a very large area to spread over our group of maximum 6 members.

Response needed if interested please.....
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