Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Ian Stedman

Can you add the shared calendar to your phone's calendar?
If this works it'll be easier to share days out. I can open up permissions later on.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

In reply to this post by JanGilkes
Sorry can’t access as it’s asking for OPS password and my saved PW is not working, checked alternatives and nothing active
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Ian Stedman
Barrie,you have access to the Calendar.

Open your Calendar App, either Google Calendar or Icalendar, create an event but 'share' it with the OPS account. I added a test event for tomorrow from my Google account to the shared calendar. Details in link below.

I've added committe contacts and those posting in this thread to the shared calendar and given you all read/write permissions to add events.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Thanks Ian for setting up the OPS calendar using Google calendar, I have added one event which is date priority to check if all receiving okay.

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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

In reply to this post by Bazza
A Google doc has been set up so you can add your name for future outings. It will be easier to manage than using the forum.
The link is below.

If you email me  I will add your emails so that you will be able to access directly.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by JanGilkes

The Sewing bee is filmed at Trinity Buoy Wharf.
An interesting place to visit, I visited back in 2009 as part of Open House.
You can take the DLR to Canning town and then walk across the river lea on a foot bridge.
It's one of those places I want to revisit now it's developed a bit.

Shared calendar should be up and running now.


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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Ian Stedman

Another idea, a little bit more natural, the ruins of Lesnes Abbey and woodlands in Belvedere.
Information from Tripadvisor:
There is plenty of free parking in Abbey road and there is an app which gives you a guided tour of the ruins and woods.
Normally, there is a cafe, hopefully it'll re-open soon.
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Bazza
I'll try another proposal, to gauge interest.

There is a trip to Trinity Buoy wharf in July. On the western side of Canary Wharf, about 3.5 miles away, is Shadwell and Wapping. This is an old part of London with a varied history, including one of the oldest police stations in the UK. This is an area we cover less as photographers but has a varied history.

A self guided walking tour, showing some highlights:

What are your thoughts?
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Re: Summer and Autumn 2021 Outings

Chris Sawyer
These Thames walks look good - sign me up.
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The Perseids Meteor Shower Friday 13th August

In reply to this post by Bazza

This could be our final Summer Outing before the club returns in September and should be a great night of astrophotography with a big proviso on the weather conditions.

This is a night of peak activity for the Perseids Meteor shower.

Due to its high hourly rate, (50 to 80 per hour), and bright meteors, it is commonly regarded as the best meteor shower of the year.

It is is caused by the Earth passing though debris left behind by comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle.

The Milky Way is in a great position as well, with the galactic centre above the horizon to the South East for over 1.5 hours. The moon sets at 8.27pm so we should have a nice dark sky.

The Milky Way will be in the South West and the radiant of the perseids in the North East.

Astronomical Twilight ends at 22.50
Maximum meteors 50 to 80 per hour
Crescent moon (31%) sets at 20.27
The Galactic centre of the Milky Way will be visible in the South West from 22.50 to 00.29

Suggested Camera EQUIPMENT
A tripod is essential
A torch. Please tape a red gel over the end to protect everyones’ night vision. A red sweet wrapper will do.
A wide angle lens if possible to capture as much of the sky as you can. Anything from 10mm to 35mm, 50mm at a push.
Also a lens with a wide aperture (f.2.8) is also preferable to let in as much light as possible, but we will work with whatever you have.

For those interested please reply below and we will decide on the suitable location

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