Talk at Beckenham PS - Wednesday 12th December

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Talk at Beckenham PS - Wednesday 12th December

Chris Sawyer
Beckenham Photographic Society is pleased to be hosting a presentation by award-winning wildlife photographer Nick Dale on Wednesday 12 December.  

His presentation “Exotic Wildlife” will include photographs taken during his many travels that cover the great wildlife centres of the world.  Nick - who regularly acts as a photographic guide on safaris in Africa - likes to focus on action shots of predators where he aims to create the sense of excitement of being “up close and personal with a very dangerous beast”.

Non-members are invited to join BPS for Nick’s presentation - tickets at the door cost £5.  The venue is St John’s Church Hall on Eden Park Avenue, Beckenham BR3 3JN.  Please arrive at 7.45pm for an 8pm start.