To sell or not to sell, that is the question....

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To sell or not to sell, that is the question....

For years I was a Canon user before switching to Fuji about 4 years ago for most of my photography. Mainly due to weight/size. The Canon has come out of retirement for paid work but hasn’t been used for over a year. So I have a Canon 5D mk III body,  24-105 L lens, 16-35 L lens, 50mm 1.8, and two Canon Flash units gathering dust.
So should I sell it all off?
Anyone else made the decision to sell off their Canon or Nikon gear and made a total switch to Olympus, Sony, Fuji? Any regrets?
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Re: To sell or not to sell, that is the question....

Richard W
Hi Peter
I fully understand your position. I went sort of half way a while back and bought 4/3rd Olympus system like Bazza. Its a fantastic camera, some great lenses too but I found the camera too small for my fat fingers :-)
Fortunately I kept all my Canon gear and was lucky enough to find a buyer who took the whole 4/3rd system off my hands.
The question you have to ask is whether you can stand to loose on selling/trading the Canon gear, unless you can find a mug somewhere :-)
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Re: To sell or not to sell, that is the question....

Thanks Richard. Clearly I will lose money but if I am not using the equipment then what’s the point of keeping it? I have been using Fuji for some years now so I know the quality of the lenses and have no problems operating the controls etc. It’s really a psychological issue. I know once I sell there is no going back. I certainly couldn’t afford to buy back into the Canon system again. I have already sold my Canon 300mm, 70-300mm and 100mm macro lens, using the cash to buy a Fuji macro lens.
I think I know what I should do, I just need to convince the voice in my head!
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Re: To sell or not to sell, that is the question....

Chris Sawyer
Interesting question Peter and this is probably not going to help you much.

I decided to buy a micro 4/3 Olympus camera and a couple of lenses last year.  It's the cheaper model (EM-D) and I wanted it for a family holiday rather than hauling round the chunky Canon 77D and 17-55mm lens (which always irritated the sunburn on the back of my neck).  I have been using it more and more, but I don't feel I have the same control that I have with the Cannon.  Also, when I go back to the Cannon after a long time I find my thumb searching for the controls.  That's the pain of having two systems.  
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Re: To sell or not to sell, that is the question....

Richard W
In reply to this post by PeterH
Sell, sell, sell
Sell now before it devalues further. Not sure you would get much for the camera body, after all the MkIII has been overtaken ages ago.
If you are selling you can get a quote on line from MPB in Brighton. I have used them a few times. Other alternatives are Park Cameras (not generous with their offers usually), Sex (not bad) or London Camera Exchange (I used them a wee while back as they gave me the best deal of all on a trade-in).
Good luck
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Re: To sell or not to sell, that is the question....

Alan Graham
Quote Richard: "Sex (not bad)"

Was that selling or buying..?
Click.... Blank....
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Re: To sell or not to sell, that is the question....

Richard W
Damn auto spell - WEX photographic
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Re: To sell or not to sell, that is the question....

Alan Graham
I don't think so, looking at the keyboard it's your thick fingers missing again.
Click.... Blank....
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Re: To sell or not to sell, that is the question....

In reply to this post by PeterH
As Richard confirmed my move to Olympus some 6 years back was a leap Promoted by Malcolm and post the trauma of selling all the Nikon gear it was a shock to the system. Did feel slightly happier when majority of lenses were passed down to son, who’s probably used them a dozen times but got him into photography.

The big difference to the old SLR gang as I call them is size of bodies and lenses, as I have tiny minuscule and some same petite fingers ( RW) I have coped with the menu buttons etc and never regretted the advance features within OMD e.g. pro capture plus auto stacking just to name a few.

I would have moved to Fuji or now perhaps Sony but my beds been lived in for some years now and fingers crossed OMD brand and features will remain for several more years. Mirror-Less has broken through the glass ceiling and now seems accepted by more and more nowadays.

Go for it Peter, I can give very competitive counselling sessions if needed.  

On 24 Aug 2020, at 19:59, Alan Graham [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

I don't think so, looking at the keyboard it's your thick fingers missing again.
Click.... Blank....

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Re: To sell or not to sell, that is the question....

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Alan Graham wrote
Quote Richard: "Sex (not bad)"

Was that selling or buying..?
Do I need to start censoring the forum?