Tuesday Nov 8th: Put Judging Into Practice

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Tuesday Nov 8th: Put Judging Into Practice

Chris Sawyer
Next Tuesday's meeting (8th Nov) will be "PUT JUDGING INTO PRACTICE (post 11 Oct)".

This is building on the evening presented by Andy Smith when he presented 12 prints for us to mark and for him to comment on.

There will be a similar format for next Tuesday.  Two members have provided 16 prints for us to mark.  Almost all of the prints have not been entered in our competitions so will be new material for us to judge.

After marking is completed, the prints will be shown in reverse order and members will be asked to comment.

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Re: Tuesday Nov 8th: Put Judging Into Practice

Chris Sawyer
Here are the results of last night's "Put Judging Into Practice".  There were 11 members present so the marks are out of 220.

Prints were supplied by Alan Graham (AG) and David Barnes (DB).  I have given each print a title to help you recognise them:

16th Beach Watches by DB (149.5)
15th Wayne Rooney by DB (154)
14th Snowdrop by AG (156)
13th Shed Lock by AG (156.5)
12th Red Cross Boat by DB (158)
11th Portrait of Smiling Girl by AG (158.5)
10th Poppies by AG (159)
9th Oldies on Pier by DB (159.5)
8th Teddy on Bench by AG (161)
7th Family photo on pier by DB (162)
6th Steelworks by DB (171)
5th Cafe Woman by DB (172.5)
4th Helter Skelter & Birds by DB (174)
3rd Big Doll by AG (176.5)
1st= Robin by AG (188.5)
1st= Triangle Colonnade by AG (188.5)

Triangle Colonnade was judged the winner as 5 members gave this the highest mark compared to 3 for Robin.

Thanks once again to Alan and David for supplying the prints and for being on their travels while we discussed them!