Twix and tween visit to London?

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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

Ian Stedman
A few photos from today, largely unedited and unphotobombed.

The rabble.

Trouble :)

St Dunstan in the East. Just needs a Cosplay girl, get to it Barrie.

Not sure what this building was but it was ugly. The person in the photo was fine ;)

Next PDI entry?

Look up!

00 Sawyer, license to to chill.

The man in the hat.

Can you guess what this is?

A bit bright.

I can hear the judge groaning now.

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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Hi Ian,

Thanks for organising a great day out yesterday.  Thanks also to Fay for suggesting the NED hotel and Barrie the skyline view of St Paul's.  Lunch at the Counting House pub was a Christmassy bonus.  I was really bushed when I got home.

Good selection of photos from Ian.  I am just about to load mine up now, fingers crossed!
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

Really enjoyed yesterday and like you Chris totally knackered when got home and slept in late today. (no tripods in future)

Although cloudy and overcast plus had taken many previous locations it was good to see the City empty and a little creepy with us bustling down empty streets. (still think NED hotel security are still looking for six Amigos)

Here's a few but without a certain photo-bomber (GB) who may follow later.....


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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

Chris Sawyer
Good to see you managed to capture some detail in the completely grey sky.
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Bazza

This sums it up

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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

Perfect, he’s on the wanted list at the NED bank as well….
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Yes Ian many thanks for organising. A few different images from those already shown. But think ill need to play around with the ISO a bit more

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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

Chris Sawyer
Here's a few from me.  Hopefully a bit different from the others..

Toilets "Not in Service"

The only one who can get down this low..

City gents who have been locked up..

Half a second of OPS photo action..

It's a 20!

Still a few more to process, but that's enough for today.

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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?


                            PLEASE SIR, CAN YOU GET DOWN FROM THAT WALL

                            PHOTO BOMBER ALERT

                           TRYING TO GIVE A GOOD IMPRESSION

                           GHOSTLY IMAGE

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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

Chris Sawyer
Thanks Barrie - You caught me in the act again!