I'll copy a few photos from the posts here and put them on Facebook and Instagram soon. If you have any objections, speak now. I won't post the wanted poster though. It's good to show the club is active on social media, it may attract new members one day!
I'm glad that you all enjoyed the trip. Thank you to Barrie and Fay for their suggestions of One New Change and the Ned respectively, they were interesting diversions.
Nice selection of photos from the day out. Good to see them on Flickr. I can see the advantages of bracketing as you captured more detail in the sky than I did.
Just been going through my photos and I can't say I caught a photo of 'Photobomber AKA Dammit George' nor anyone come to think of it, I must have been lucky. Hahaha that poster Ian is very funny and thank you Ian for the very good and enjoyable day out.
Your friendly Photobomber is in the house! Just done a quick edit of this photo and I couldn't make up my mind if I prefer it in Colour or this retro two toned effect so I uploaded both.
Did you check the verticals?
It looks like the skyscraper is leaning to the right and in danger of falling over. Should have used HDR to get some detail in the sky :)