Twix and tween visit to London?

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Twix and tween visit to London?

Ian Stedman
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What interest would there be in a trip to London between Christmas and New Year?

My rough plan would be to take the train to Cannon Street then a  wander around the City of London in a quiet time of the year .

Thursday 30th December have sort of normal train services and perhaps arrive around 11 AM (revised from 1PM) for a few hours photography and to walk off some of the extra weight from the festive activities!

This is not my website,

A few ideas off the beaten track , look at the mini-map at the end of the article for other locations nearby.
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

Chris Sawyer
Ian, Looks good to me.  I had to do a double-take when I saw your links took me to "IanVisits".

Personally I think the City of London would be better for this one.  There are a lot of hidden places to explore and better without the crowds.  The Outer Temple Alley may be closed for Christmas and I think the Inns of Court with their gardens look better in the spring.
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
That is a great idea Ian. Daytime, so I would love to go!
I was in the City recently and it is already like a ghost town although very busy with all the building work. But, as they break for Christmas, during that time would be ideal.
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

Definitely up for this Ian, City sounds ideal  - any date except for 29th as Mrs D birthday
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Either date works for me. Leadenhall market will be decorated for Christmas and might be worth a visit as we are in the area.  
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Should have said that either date works for me.
Thank you.
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Sorry Ian, I will not be able to make these dates
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman

Lets go with Thursday 30th December and the City of London.

It looks like the train services from Orpington are viable, you'll need to change at London bridge. Here's the details of the Engineering work:
Christmas Engineering works

The Docklands Light Railway is closed over the holiday period on the Western end (Tower Gateway/Bank) so will travel via Cannon Street using regular trains.

A few suggestions of places to visit would be appreciated. Anything from this guide of interest?

Happy to discuss ideas.

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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
30th should be ok for me. Was up town on Friday walking past Leadenhall market (has a few lights), Lloyds building, Gherkin, etc. on the way to Hanbury Hall, Spitalfields to see Photovision Exhibition (6 authors x6 images). Very cold and blowy!  
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Re: Twix and tween visit to London?

June Williams
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Hi Chris,  the 30th should be ok for me.