Update Gallery on website

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Update Gallery on website

Malcolm Ming
Hi all,
With the exhibition results now out, Iwe are updating the gallery section of the website.
What we need is a PDI version of all the prints submitted.
If you want a copy of your print images dispalyed as PDIs on the website, please email them to
Please enter "2015 exhibition prints" in the subject line of the email so that I knw what the iages are for.

Many thanks,

PS:  For info if you have forgotten which images you submitted, here is a list:
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Re: Update Gallery on website

Orpington Photo Society
Thanks for sending your images in. As soon as I have a decent amount I will be putting them on the website.  For convenience, please can you name the images as they were in the competition as well as the author.  Although not strictly necessary for publishing on the website, it helps when we archive the images so that in future we know who took it without having to refer to the list above.
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Re: Update Gallery on website

Malcolm Ming
In reply to this post by Malcolm Ming
The website has now been updated.  There is a new page in the gallery with images of exhibition prints from 2015.  Thanks for those that sent in the PDI versions. I know there are still more that can be sent.  If you are missing any or have not sent at all, please do so.  It's just a matter of adding them in the gallery.  the more the merrier.  Once again, if you have forgotten what you submitted, there is a link to the list in the original post above.

On another note, Some of you have sent in images to be added to your own personal page in the gallery section.  If you want more added or a page created please email me with your images.  Please label the email accordingly e.g.  Images for Davis Barnes personal galley.
With all these emails coming in with PDI's it can get a bit confusing.  

If you have any questions please post below.

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Re: Update Gallery on website

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Malcolm Ming
Thanks to Malcolm for updating the galleries for the 201 Exhibition.  It's good to see all of the exhibition PDIs for the first time.  I did notice that the Exhibition Prints include two portraits where most of the head has been cut-off: Anne Boleyn and Thomas Cranmer (Henry VIII always liked to crop his subjects).