Some of you may have received this direct. The KCPA could go the same way as the SLF and wind up.
The KCPA provides clubs with judges and speakers, affiliation to the PAGB, and runs competitions such as the one this coming Saturday.
Hopefully the KCPA will not have to wind-up. They have many more clubs than the SLF and there is so much to lose if it does fold. Hopefully (again!) someone will step-up and help them out.
Good news...the KCPA have a committee. Please see letter below:
19 March 2024
Dear Club Secretary.
Further to our previous correspondence regarding the future of the KCPA, I am pleased to
report some positive news.
There have been several individuals who have volunteered as new committee members,
two who may potentially take over key officer roles.
In addition, two existing committee members, who had wished to retire this year, have
agreed to stay for one further year, to support the committee and the new incumbents in
their roles, but primarily, to ensure a future for the KCPA.
As a result, the KCPA Committee are pleased to announce that the AGM will now take place
on 29 June 2024, at Detling Village Hall. Further details will be issued in accordance with
the constitution.
As the immediate future of the KCPA is now confirmed, please ensure that your club has
paid their 2024 subscription fees in full.