Volunteers needed for Christmas Fair

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Volunteers needed for Christmas Fair

Malcolm Ming
Hi all,

My Daughter's school (Tubbenden Primary) will be holding their Christmas Fair on Saturday 10th Dec 4-7 pm.  
They have asked if OPS member(s) can take photos at the Santa's Grotto.
They will have the decorations set up and they will have a printer as well.  Year 6 kids will be elves and they will have all the presents etc arranged.  Parent volunteers from the PTA will take cash etc.
What they are looking for is someone (or re if interested) to set up the lights and take photos.
I'm yet to receive further details, but from what I gather they are just looking for someone competent with a camera.  Logistics etc will be sorted out closer to the time.

I will be there taking photos of the even in general.  The evening will finish off with a fireworks display.

Anyone interested in brushing up their lighting and portrait skills.  Taking photos of the fireworks will also be fun.

Let me know. Thanks,
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Re: Volunteers needed for Christmas Fair

Richard W
Sorry matey, screaming kids ain't my scene:-)
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Re: Volunteers needed for Christmas Fair

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Malcolm Ming
Hi Malcolm,

I saw your Christmas Fair post.  Sorry, but I can't make it as am visiting relatives that weekend.