WW1 at Batemans NT - 2nd August

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WW1 at Batemans NT - 2nd August

This event may clash with another regular trip visiting Brighton that will be forthcoming on the Blog shortly


www.1914.orgView OriginalAugust 2nd, 2014

Bateman's - National Trust
Skinners at Batemans
Type: Event / Living history or re-enactment

Location: Bateman's - National Trust, Burwash, Etchingham, East Sussex, England, TN19 7DS.
Our full team will be presenting the Cavalry of Empire and remount depot display. telling the role of the remount depots in the UK often manned by females, and the role of the troops of the empire, who came to the call of the motherland in her hour of need during the First World War.

Suitable for Any age, Family friendly

Admission Admission price will be confirmed later in 2014 - please contact venue for updated details.

Registration N/A


I would expect any existing NT members will obtain free entry to above but will need to check nearer to date.

This is the last WW1 commemoration event being suggested.
Please confirm your interest in post

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Re: WW1 at Batemans NT - 2nd August

Yes interested
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Re: WW1 at Batemans NT - 2nd August

Good Peter, although this does clash with a trip being planned for Brighton but as done that last year may go with this instead, keep in touch nearer dates for numbers.