Westerham Remembers 26-27th July

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Westerham Remembers 26-27th July


Another more local event at the end of July

Visit Westerham
Summer of 1914 - Westerham Remembers
Type:   Event / Living history or re-enactment / Festival or fair / Performance / Exhibition (temporary)
Location:   Visit Westerham, c/o Westerham Town Council Office Russell House Market Square, Westerham, Kent, England, TN16 1RB.
Date:   26 July 2014 - 27 July 2014

Shop Window displays: Based on Bill Curtis' (local historian) photo and poster collection from the era, each shop will try to show how things looked in the summer of 1914
Quiz for children: (Under 10s and Over 10s categories) discover answers in the shop window displays to questions about life in Westerham at the beginning of the 20th century
Best dressed window competition
Shire Horses from Hurst Green Shires will be bringing an exhibition of horse memorabilia from the Great War, which will be displayed on The Green on Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday the shire horses will lead a procession with gun carriage and ammunitions cart from the Royal British Legion to The Green
Royal British Legion is planning to build a mock-up of a trench in France in the early part of the Great War. Bar, Hot food, snacks served, Saturday night music and dance
Music Tent on The Green. Local musicians are invited to get in touch to perform
Vintage Vehicles - will park up in town
Westerham Brewery will exhibit old bottles and labels in their beer tent
St Mary's Church will exhibit a collection including biographies and photos of Westerham's soldiers and the town's support work for them.
Suitable for Any age
Registration N/A
Concessions N/A


Please add your name to the post if interested in attending the above event