Whilst we wait for our next meeting... MOON

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Whilst we wait for our next meeting... MOON

Alan Graham
This post was updated on .
Two images I took of the Pink Moon tonight. One just before the meeting, the other just after.

Maybe Fay can show us how to do it properly...  
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Alan Graham
Confined? When this is above us!

A 2 hour exposure.
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Alan Graham
The best parody ever..?

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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

In reply to this post by Alan Graham
well I was out there testing some software that I am not used to, not too successful!!! Nice pictures........
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

OPS Notices
I'm still learning the settings on my camera so surprised I got these! Needless to say I tweaked the second one to be more pink.
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Tonight's moon. No tweaking the colour this time.

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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Fake news.

With the moon so big at night, by the way it's just about to appear red again just after 10pm, there are lots of images of the moon and silhouettes. Currently, the most popular image on Blipfoto is the moon sinking into a forested hillside.  

Looking at the metadata I can't see how at f4 the outline of the trees and the moon can be sharp.

The above image is the moon at 4.08AM this morning. At one point I tried to photograph what you see but the roof and ariel were so out of focus. In this image, the roof was taken this afternoon. Both images are below. The magic was worked in Luminar 4 using the sky replacement tool.

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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Alan Graham
The moon tonight was red/orange. Couldn't get the details of the moon and the foreground so went with the foreground interest.

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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Neat shot of the moon with the aerial in focus.  That sky replacement tool looks useful...and well done for getting out at 4 in the morning.
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Whilst we wait for a close-up of Saturn and Jupiter from Fay here is a shot of the waning crescent moon with both planets. Mars would have been to the left of these but hidden by trees and maybe the horizon. Pluto, not that you'd see it is behind Jupiter. It took a few goes at getting the settings right to allow for a half-decent moon and the balance of seeing the planets and foreground interest. This can be seen for the next few mornings low on the horizon. This was taken at 5:23 am, I had a lay-in.

Below is a screenshot of the app I use to confirm locations etc. Just to prove it wasn't dust spots on my sensor David...

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