Whilst we wait for our next meeting... PHOTOS 2

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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting... PHOTOS 2


Could Have been with Amazon Prime
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting... PHOTOS 2

In reply to this post by Alan Graham
The images are great.

We had our first baby robin yesterday but much too fast to take a photo. I think the birds are late starters in this part of Orpington!
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting... PHOTOS 2

Ian Stedman

Went for a walk today in a local park, camera in hand.
The lockdown still applies to play areas.
The lockdown still applies to play areas
They were discussing the new social rules
They were discussing the lockdown rules

Finally I decided to get my ducks in a row.

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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting... PHOTOS 2

Alan Graham
Ian, it seems tightrope walking is acceptable, your locals don't appear to know what 2M looks like plus Canada Geese are not ducks...

Great to see more posting images. Keep it up!
Click.... Blank....
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting... PHOTOS 2


I am afraid I have done none of the indoor work but here is my delphinium in the sun.
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting... PHOTOS 2

Chris Sawyer
We haven't had any rain for a while, so I thought I'd add some.....

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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting... PHOTOS 2

David Barnes
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Looking forward to a bumper crop of spiders.

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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting... PHOTOS 2

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Alan Graham wrote
Ian, it seems tightrope walking is acceptable, your locals don't appear to know what 2M looks like plus Canada Geese are not ducks...

Great to see more posting images. Keep it up!
Glad you pointed out I'd taken Geese, not ducks. I've used one of the photos from that set for a competition with the camera club at work. I amended the title slightly.

The people were separated nicely, but a telephoto lens compress the perspective, making the picture as shown. https://www.buzzfeed.com/joeydurso/coronavirus-social-distancing-lockdown-photos


Where was the cluster of spiders photo taken?


Nice photo of the water. Is it me or does it appear that the water could be going up and away to the right of the photo?

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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting... PHOTOS 2

Alan Graham
Point taken Ian but surely the camera never lies!

Here's a lesson to all. Don't try to photograph the International Space Station using your mobile phone handheld...

Click.... Blank....
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting... PHOTOS 2

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer

The rain effect was from a fine mist water squirter.  I was surprised that the droplets appeared so large.  My first attempt with a watering can was too obviously a watering can.
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