setup for practising for comet in May

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setup for practising for comet in May

ED80 and 120 scopes in garden

Sorry for large size. I am very messy with my cables. The HITEC box on the side has all the cables plugged into it so only one needed for the laptop. The black scope is imaging scope with camera on the back. the other gold scope for guiding, with camera on the back. Dew strips wrapped just above the glass. the comet is a way off at the moment, so only small, possible I wont even be able to find it, but I need all the practice as have not done it for a long time.


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Re: setup for practising for comet in May

OPS Notices
You need a shed with a sliding roof!
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Re: setup for practising for comet in May

In reply to this post by Fay
Wow, I thought it was a whopper but that’s massive.

It puts it into another class compared to our DSLR’s and Mirrorless - we are not worthy.

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Re: setup for practising for comet in May

Ambitious setup in France

This was a setup when I went to France. it was very ambitious as I have put the DSLR on top as well. very heavy payload for that mount.

You know the saying Barry, its not the size but what you do with it that counts      
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Re: setup for practising for comet in May

Reminds me of Optimus Prime in Transformers

Its known as Lens Envy, i will get over it....
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Re: setup for practising for comet in May

OPS Notices
I worked with a chap who made his own. Some lenses and a 4" drainpipe which he could attach his 35mm camera or just part of a small telescope. We set it up on the front lawn and he talked about the stars all night.

We did get disturbed now and then when an alarm went off or the Queen came out with the corgis but the sky is so clear over Balmoral you didn't really need the set-up...
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Re: setup for practising for comet in May

In reply to this post by OPS Notices
I certainly do!!!!!!!
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Re: setup for practising for comet in May

In reply to this post by Bazza
ha ha ha
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Re: setup for practising for comet in May

In reply to this post by Fay
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Re: setup for practising for comet in May

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by OPS Notices
That's an incredible set up Fay.  What do you actually look at to see the stars? - the laptop or some other eye-piece?