setup for practising for comet in May

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Re: setup for practising for comet in May

well i dont look at the stars. if you observe, you just put various eyepieces in the scope. you can only really see, the moon and a couple of planets, and a couple of open star clusters like the 7 Sisters or Pleiades.
You need a long exposure +, and a camera instead of an eyepiece, in the back of the scope, and a laptop to see any galaxies nebulae etc. Its not like you see the images in books.

You can do long exposures of galaxies, comets star clusters,  with a normal camera, but must guide as well. to take images of nebulae, you need a dedicated ccd camera, which is cooled, with a Ha filter,  or a normal camera that has been modified to make it more sensitive to hydrogen, not as sensitive as a ccd camera, but you get colour. also you need it to be cool and be at a a site that is really dark, for anything like a DSLR.
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Re: setup for practising for comet in May

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Fay, have you had any interesting shots yet that you can share? I'd be interested in what close up of the moon you'd be able to produce. Locating moon landing sites, even a speck would be fascinating. Is the moon too close for this sort of set up? I guess it would be like catching a passing car using a large zoom lens.
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Re: setup for practising for comet in May

you cant see any evidence of a moon landing in photographs