2022/2023 Programme now available

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2022/2023 Programme now available

OPS Notices
Dear Member,

The 2022/2023 programme is now available for you at, http://www.orpingtonphotographicsociety.co.uk/programme.html

This should help you plan your print and PDI submissions for the new season.

Some additional information on the two PDI challenges have been included below to provide additional guidance.

PDI Challenge 1, Song titles/line from a song

Photography and music have a lot in common. Both have to intrigue the viewer/listener with something new and interesting so that they keep on looking or listening. Yet on the other side they still have to appeal to the audience's expectancy of beauty, harmony and patterns.

You can choose to literally recreate the lyrics into visual form or to shoot a photo that represents the emotions you feel when you hear the words of the song. This challenge is very much a "story" challenge, in that ideally your photo should be portraying some form of story or message.

Message in a bottle
Bridge over troubled waters
All the small things
Sunshine on a cloudy day
Love the sound of breaking glass
Sitting on the dock of the bay
Summer Breeze
My Umbrella

PDI Challenge 2, Beauty in Imperfection

As photographers we always aim for perfection, this topic celebrates wrinkles, rust, liver spots, cracks and frayed edges because they represent the time that has passed and the signs of a lived life.
But think of anything have seen better days but still look beautiful in your eyes. It can be anything from an old ripped pair of jeans to a rusted lock or a moss-covered statue in the corner of a garden.