SLF PDI Finals Day - 9th April 2022 (Zoom)

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SLF PDI Finals Day - 9th April 2022 (Zoom)

Chris Sawyer
This is an opportunity to enter the SLF’s Open PDI Competition.

You can enter 2 PDIs (1400 x 1050 pixel resolution) in the competition.  

The PDIs should be sent to with the heading SLF Open PDI by 1st March 2022.

The full details of the PDI Finals Day are shown below.


The SLF PDI Finals Day will be held over Zoom on 9th April 2022.   The Zoom link will be made available nearer the event.

There are three PDI Competitions:

1) Inter-Club Finals – PDI (Vic Smith Trophy)

OPS are not in this competition.  The judge is Cherry Larcombe ARPS, EFIAP, DPAGB, BPE5*

2) PDI of the Year (Edwin Appleton Rose Bowl).

The judge is Steve Kingswell ARPS, AFIAP

Certificated PDIs will be competing.

Note: Those clubs that have not received a certificate in the Group Rounds of the Inter-Club PDIs can upload one image as their ‘Club Champion’.  The ‘Club Champion’ image is selected from the highest scoring images in the same discipline for the current season. The PDI of the Year will be selected by the judges on Finals Day from the competition entries.

3) PDI Open (Jack’s Jug).  

The judge is Steve Kingswell ARPS, AFIAP

The closing date for uploading entries to all three competitions is Saturday 12 March.
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Re: SLF PDI Finals Day - 9th April 2022 (Zoom)

Richard W
A quick reminder to members that you are entitled to enter 2 x PDI of your choice into the SLF Open PDI Competition (Jack's jug).

Entries must be presented to me by 10th March latest, I cannot extend beyond this date as they have to be entered to the SLF on 12th.

So far I have entries from:-

David Barnes
George K-B
Keith W
Fay S
Barrie D
Peter H
Chris S

If you think you have submitted and your name is not on the list get in touch with me asap please
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Re: SLF PDI Finals Day - 9th April 2022 (Zoom)

Thanks for the update Richard.  I will pass on the SLF PDI competition this year.
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Re: SLF PDI Finals Day - 9th April 2022 (Zoom)

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer
Here is the scoresheet for the SLF PDI Final if you want to follow along with the scores.  Sadly, OPS are not represented this time.

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Re: SLF PDI Finals Day - 9th April 2022 (Zoom)

Chris Sawyer
From the SLF Chair....

Please find attached the results from Saturday's PDI Finals.

Well done to Ioannis Toutoungi from Bromley PS for winning Jack's Jug and to Beckenham CC for winning the Inter-club final on a tie breaker.  PDI of the Year goes to  Lesley Rees, also of Beckenham PS.  Well done to all of the winners.

A big thank you goes to Old Coulsdon CC for hosting the event and to Leon van Kemenade for doing all of the projection.

The Print Finals will be held on Saturday 23rd April at Sanderstead Methodist Church, Limpsfield Road, as per the information sent out to clubs last week.

Kind regards and a Happy Easter to everyone.

Tom Sherrin


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Re: SLF PDI Finals Day - 9th April 2022 (Zoom)

Chris Sawyer
I just noticed that three OPS images out of 10 in total were 'commented on' for the Jack's Jug trophy:

Housefly by Richard Waterman
Thistles and Lavender by Chris Sawyer
Red Sands Fort, Thames Estuary by Peter Humphrey

Fantastic photos all of them!