2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

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2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

Further to several positive comments and feedback from those attending the 1st session, we will endeavour to organise another evening with agenda focusing on training and further knowledge for areas that will improve the club images at competitions.

My thoughts on dates include 5th Nov but although easy to remember it could clash with other events therefore 2nd choice would be Thursday 19th Nov if DB can negotiate similar terms with rugby club (£2.00 per head)

Subject matter that comes to mind include any 3/4 of the following
1/ Luminosity Mask in PS
2/ Composition tips
3/ What is Street Photography and how to ask for someone's photograph
4/ Techniques on Panning and Sport Photography
5/ Macro stacking for DOF presenting equipment and Live Demostration

Any other thoughts or requests plus of course volunteers to present these 15 min sessions please respond to this forum announcement
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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

Alan Graham
DB & BM were discussing preparing files ready for exporting to print from Lightroom & Photoshop last night. DB thought it a possible subject for the group.

On 7 Oct 2015, at 11:08, Bazza [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Further to several positive comments and feedback from those attending the 1st session, we will endeavour to organise another evening with agenda focusing on training and further knowledge for areas that will improve the club images at competitions.

My thoughts on dates include 5th Nov but although easy to remember it could clash with other events therefore 2nd choice would be Thursday 19th Nov if DB can negotiate similar terms with rugby club (£2.00 per head)

Subject matter that comes to mind include any 3/4 of the following
1/ Luminosity Mask in PS
2/ Composition tips
3/ What is Street Photography and how to ask for someone's photograph
4/ Techniques on Panning and Sport Photography
5/ Macro stacking for DOF presenting equipment and Live Demostration

Any other thoughts or requests plus of course volunteers to present these 15 min sessions please respond to this forum announcement

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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

David Barnes
In reply to this post by Bazza
19 Nov should be OK. Just need to be sure that we have numbers.
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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

Alan Graham
I'll be attending.
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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Bazza
Count me in!
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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

Chris Nash
In reply to this post by Bazza
I will be there.

On Wednesday, 7 October 2015, Bazza [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Further to several positive comments and feedback from those attending the 1st session, we will endeavour to organise another evening with agenda focusing on training and further knowledge for areas that will improve the club images at competitions.

My thoughts on dates include 5th Nov but although easy to remember it could clash with other events therefore 2nd choice would be Thursday 19th Nov if DB can negotiate similar terms with rugby club (£2.00 per head)

Subject matter that comes to mind include any 3/4 of the following
1/ Luminosity Mask in PS
2/ Composition tips
3/ What is Street Photography and how to ask for someone's photograph
4/ Techniques on Panning and Sport Photography
5/ Macro stacking for DOF presenting equipment and Live Demostration

Any other thoughts or requests plus of course volunteers to present these 15 min sessions please respond to this forum announcement

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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

Brian K
In reply to this post by Chris Sawyer

I'm in also...

On Sat, 10 Oct 2015 09:43 Chris Sawyer [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Count me in!

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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

Malcolm Ming
In reply to this post by Bazza

In my diary.

On 7 Oct 2015 11:18 am, "Bazza [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
Further to several positive comments and feedback from those attending the 1st session, we will endeavour to organise another evening with agenda focusing on training and further knowledge for areas that will improve the club images at competitions.

My thoughts on dates include 5th Nov but although easy to remember it could clash with other events therefore 2nd choice would be Thursday 19th Nov if DB can negotiate similar terms with rugby club (£2.00 per head)

Subject matter that comes to mind include any 3/4 of the following
1/ Luminosity Mask in PS
2/ Composition tips
3/ What is Street Photography and how to ask for someone's photograph
4/ Techniques on Panning and Sport Photography
5/ Macro stacking for DOF presenting equipment and Live Demostration

Any other thoughts or requests plus of course volunteers to present these 15 min sessions please respond to this forum announcement

To start a new topic under Club Announcements, email [hidden email]
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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

Bob Mabberley
In reply to this post by Bazza
Thurs 19th  is OK for me
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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

Derek Spillman
In reply to this post by Bazza
Count me in