2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

Brian K

Could I add, and sorry if it's redundant, print houses to use and experiences.

On Wed, 7 Oct 2015 11:18 Bazza [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Further to several positive comments and feedback from those attending the 1st session, we will endeavour to organise another evening with agenda focusing on training and further knowledge for areas that will improve the club images at competitions.

My thoughts on dates include 5th Nov but although easy to remember it could clash with other events therefore 2nd choice would be Thursday 19th Nov if DB can negotiate similar terms with rugby club (£2.00 per head)

Subject matter that comes to mind include any 3/4 of the following
1/ Luminosity Mask in PS
2/ Composition tips
3/ What is Street Photography and how to ask for someone's photograph
4/ Techniques on Panning and Sport Photography
5/ Macro stacking for DOF presenting equipment and Live Demostration

Any other thoughts or requests plus of course volunteers to present these 15 min sessions please respond to this forum announcement

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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

Follow up for Nov 19th

It looks thou we have 9 definite attendees but nil on presenting, could we please receive details from at least three on what's being discussed for preparation of an agenda.

FYI I'am happy to spend 10 mins going through luminosity masks in PS but we need more topical subjects /ideas and solutions from those attending plus anyone who's not confirmed interest.

Deadline for preparing agenda and times 12th Nov.
NB Brian would like some discussion on external printing solutions, I have experience plus I recall Chris S has recommendations
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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Oops, I'm double booked that night...

I'm up town at Nikon School doing their 'Low light Christmas in London' course.
Click.... Blank....
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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

Brian K
In reply to this post by Bazza

Hi Barrie,

In addition to the print services, there are also something called printer profiles these services use. I understand Photoshop does this but I'm not sure how to integrate this into Lightroom, of at all.

On Sat, 7 Nov 2015 12:10 Bazza [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Follow up for Nov 19th

It looks thou we have 9 definite attendees but nil on presenting, could we please receive details from at least three on what's being discussed for preparation of an agenda.

FYI I'am happy to spend 10 mins going through luminosity masks in PS but we need more topical subjects /ideas and solutions from those attending plus anyone who's not confirmed interest.

Deadline for preparing agenda and times 12th Nov.
NB Brian would like some discussion on external printing solutions, I have experience plus I recall Chris S has recommendations

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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

I'd be happy to talk through the whole profiling process from monitor to print?

On 8 Nov 2015, at 10:31, Brian K [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi Barrie,

In addition to the print services, there are also something called printer profiles these services use. I understand Photoshop does this but I'm not sure how to integrate this into Lightroom, of at all.

On Sat, 7 Nov 2015 12:10 Bazza [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Follow up for Nov 19th

It looks thou we have 9 definite attendees but nil on presenting, could we please receive details from at least three on what's being discussed for preparation of an agenda.

FYI I'am happy to spend 10 mins going through luminosity masks in PS but we need more topical subjects /ideas and solutions from those attending plus anyone who's not confirmed interest.

Deadline for preparing agenda and times 12th Nov.
NB Brian would like some discussion on external printing solutions, I have experience plus I recall Chris S has recommendations

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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

Thanks Peter,

We will include this on agenda for 10-15 mins
Still need one or two more subjects, suggestions being
1/ Luminosity Mask in PS (BD) confirmed
2/ How to produce Street/Journalistic Photography and methods to ask for someone's photograph (MM and DB)
4/ Techniques on Panning and Sport Photography (RT)
5) Print Profiles and Monitor to Print (PH) confirmed

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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

Malcolm Ming
In reply to this post by Bazza
I'd like someone to demo how to use a light meter for flash photography.  Anyone got one?  Anyone got one to leand out or at least bring along?? I'm using manual off camera flash that doesn't have TTL metering, hence my wanting to experiment with light meter.
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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

In reply to this post by Bazza
I'm happy y to turn up for the 19th, keen on the luminosity mask and any composition tips.

Also Malcolm, I have a light meter and would be happy to show you how to use it for flash.
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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

This post was updated on .
following recent Committee Meet its been suggested that the agenda for 19th should be as follows

maximum 10-15 mins per session
start time 1930 prompt
location Rugby Club rooms as previous
Cost for evening room hire £2.00 per member

1) BD - Luminosity Masks using Tony Kuyper's (TK Actions Plug In) for PS (10-15 mins)
2) PH - Profiling process from monitor to print (10-15 mins)
3) NH - Demo how to use a light meter for flash photography (10 mins)
4) Newbies - Suggest at least one PDI on Stick to allow a positive Critique of Composition and Content (max 30 mins - depending upon number images submitted )
(please confirm if your keen to be included with this section by replying to the notice)

5) Various - Print Services costs and quality (10 mins)

total time allowed for session - 1.5 hour
Finish approx 9.30

those who have confirmed attendance - BD, PH, DB, MM,NH, BK, CS, CN, BM, DS,
anymore please advise.
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Re: 2nd Discussion Group evening to be organised for Nov.

Start time, should that be 19.30?

On 17 Nov 2015, at 15:03, Bazza [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

following recent Committee Meet its been suggested that the agenda for 19th should be as follows

maximum 10-15 mins per session
start time 1830 prompt
location Rugby Club rooms as previous
Cost for evening for room hire £2.00 per member

1) BD - Luminosity Masks using Tony Kuyper's (TK Actions Plug In) for PS (10-15 mins)
2) PH - Profiling process from monitor to print (10-15 mins)
3) NH - Demo how to use a light meter for flash photography (10 mins)
4) Newbies - Suggest at least one PDI on Stick to allow a positive Critique of Composition and Content (max 30 mins - depending upon number images submitted )
(please confirm if your keen to be included with this section by replying to the notice)

5) Various - Print Services costs and quality (10 mins)

total time allowed for session - 1.5 hour
Finish approx 9.30

those who have confirmed attendance - BD, PH, DB, MM,NH, BK, CS, CN, BM, DS,
anymore please advise.

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