3D printing and Photography presentation slides

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3D printing and Photography presentation slides

Ian Stedman

I'd like to say thank you for letting me present my talk tonight on 3D printing and photography. I hope that the level of details was just right and was of interest to you all.

If you are interested in learning more, I have exported the presentation in PDF format and embedded it below:
I've removed the two short videos but added links to the originals from Youtube and added some additional links to some of the websites I covered in the presentation tonight.

The photographic sweep stand I brought along tonight is here on thingiverse
If there is interest, I can make a number of these sweep stands. I'll let you know the costs soon.

On any of the websites with models, search for your camera brand and see what results come back, you might find a few designs that interest you.

If you have any further queries, please post them below.
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Re: 3D printing and Photography presentation slides

Thank you Ian.  Your presentation was excellent.  I was surprised by the wide scope and the relative low cost of 3D printing.
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Re: 3D printing and Photography presentation slides

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Great talk Ian.  I was totally fascinated how you converted mono photos to 3D see-through plastic squares.  They will certainly last longer than any print would.
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Re: 3D printing and Photography presentation slides

Richard W
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
A good presentation Ian, pitched at a good level (glad you didn't go into IGIS files etc that would have fried a few brains).
Thank you!
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Re: 3D printing and Photography presentation slides

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Thoroughly enjoyed your presentation about something that’s always intrigued me.

I can see how this would attract interest and you kept it simple ( I think)
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Re: 3D printing and Photography presentation slides

In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Sorry I missed your talk Ian. I have downloaded it, and hope I understand it

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Re: 3D printing and Photography presentation slides

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman

Thank you for the kind comments on my presentation, I'm glad to know I pitched it about right. Richard, I deliberately avoided discussing CAD files, I knew it would befuddle everyone!

I'll probably be playing with Lithophanes a bit more over the Christmas break, I'll post any new objects on this forum. They need to be seen but the photos of them in the presentation give a reasonable representation.

If anyone is interested in one set of these sweep stands:

Note: Minions not included
They are available for £4 each. I could have some ready by the time of the Xmas outing.