FREE software for photo editing and learning basic editing

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FREE software for photo editing and learning basic editing

Richard W

I realise that many folks are on a budget when it comes to photo editing software so I have carried out a quick search on the internet looking for free stuff.

Many searches list the most common as being  :-

Photoshop express
Pixlr X
Photoscape X
Photos Pos Pro
Six Photo Studio

Without copying what others have said about these programmes here is a link for you to read yourselves:-

It is very informative and well worth a read when there is nothing on the TV :-)

If anyone requires assistance for basic editing please do ask, we have carried out some “teaching” sessions and are alway willing to do more if folk need it. I don’t mind offering basic instructions over zoom on a one to one if required (please remember that these sessions will be limited to 30 mins so stop/start will be needed). Although I will be using Lightroom the principles apply to any software that you may have, it just a matter of hitting different buttons!

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Re: FREE software for photo editing and learning basic editing

Thanks Richard for this comprehensive list.  Very helpful.

Recently I listened to a good talk by Joe Houghton on Lightroom Called "I didn't know lightroom could do that....".  It is worth a listen.  I have copied a link to his Youtube channel which covers some Lightroom basics.
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Re: FREE software for photo editing and learning basic editing

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Richard W
Hi Richard,

Thanks for posting the list of cheapo software.  I had forgotten that I downloaded Photoscape X a couple of years ago.  I use it to view my RAW files and have just had a play with the editing features.

I also put Photoshop Express on my phone this afternoon.  It seems to do a decent job for jpegs.

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Re: FREE software for photo editing and learning basic editing

Richard W
In reply to this post by Richard W

Thinking of your image you are having troubles with, send it to me at the highest resolution you can and I will see what can be done. I'm not going to "do it for you" but its a good exercise for both of us.
Email it if you wish
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Re: FREE software for photo editing and learning basic editing

June Williams
In reply to this post by Richard W
Thank you Richard for the photo editing software information i will have a look at them.
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Re: FREE software for photo editing and learning basic editing

Richard W
No problem June, let me know if you need help