Astrophotography by Fay Saunders

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Astrophotography by Fay Saunders

Alan Graham
The recording of Fay Saunders' talk to the OPS on Astrophotography made on Tuesday 29th September 2020.

Astrophotography by Fay

This link will open the talk on YouTube.
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Re: Astrophotography by Fay Saunders

Thank you very much Fay for a fascinating talk. Wonderful photographs!
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Re: Astrophotography by Fay Saunders

Chris Sawyer
Many thanks to Fay for the astro talk last night.  It seems like a different world to our regular club photography.  Some useful tips in the discussion afterwards as well.
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Re: Astrophotography by Fay Saunders

Excellent talk Fay, I thought it was going to be complex and it certainly was.   

I will keep to my mirror less images and leave this to the professionals and true enthusiasts like yourself

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On 30 Sep 2020, at 09:46, Chris Sawyer [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Many thanks to Fay for the astro talk last night.  It seems like a different world to our regular club photography.  Some useful tips in the discussion afterwards as well.

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Re: Astrophotography by Fay Saunders

In reply to this post by Alan Graham
I was lost after the first 5 minutes with the technicalities but couldn’t  fail to be impressed with Fay’s knowledge, patience and amazing photos of our night sky.
I managed to photograph the Milky Way in Namibia as the sky there is so dark and clear. Also in New Zealand I saw and photographed the two Magellanic Clouds which are only visible in the Southern Hemisphere.
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Re: Astrophotography by Fay Saunders

Alan Graham
Thank you Fay, I was looking forward to seeing how you set up and what after processing was needed. A lot to take in but excellent. Definitely above my pay grade but I do like taking night skies and actually try to capture moving lights (satellites or planes) with the stars.

I think we should use this thread to post some of our own feeble attempts of night photography (skywards). Peter, I remember your Namibia shot, maybe you could show it again.
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Re: Astrophotography by Fay Saunders


Here's that image. 'Milky Way and Large Magellanic Cloud, Namibia'.
A composite but all parts of the photo were taken in Namibia. The Magellenic Cloud can be seen on the right of the image. It's a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way.
Not up to Fay's standards but I was pleased with the result.
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Re: Astrophotography by Fay Saunders

In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Thank you Fay for your excellent talk on astrophotography.  I have dabbled in this topic but I realise that I have a lot to learn.  In 2017, I went to the US to photograph the solar eclipse.  I can see how you can become hooked on this type of photography.  I was thrilled when I got a photograph of the "diamond ring".  But as you mentioned the risk is you are too busy taking photographs and miss the real event!

Here is my image of the "diamond ring"

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Re: Astrophotography by Fay Saunders

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In reply to this post by JanGilkes

Fay’s not the only one who takes hundreds of shots for one image.  Given the lifespan shutter count of many cameras is about 100,000 actuations, it’s one way of wearing out a camera!
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Re: Astrophotography by Fay Saunders

Oh thankyou very much. you can see how I felt daunted by doing it. I could not have done the talk on using a DSLR on a tripod, as it would only have taken 2 minutes. Its a big subject and difficult to talk in detail about everystage. nice to see a couple of you have had a go, thats what its all about.
