Discussion Group :: 10th Sept 2015

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Discussion Group :: 10th Sept 2015

Alan Graham
Westcombe Park Rugby Club at 7.30pm. Thursday 10th September 2015.

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Re: Invitation to Additional Training outside Club Nights on Thursday 10th Sept.

Hi everyone

Please can you add this date into your calender for our first Discussion Group to improve knowledge on photography and the presenting of images within OPS competitions.

The Rugby Club room has been booked by David for a small nominal cost divided equally with all attending the evening.

We will be using our projector to screen via new laptop which has installed the most recent versions of PS CC and LR 6 with several plug ins from Nik and Topaz

Several members have volunteered to present on this and future evenings, focusing upon improving members quality of prints and Pdis for the club internal and external competitions.

The first session will start at 1930 over maximum two hours

1/ David B will present how he prepares mount boards, to include cutting and mounting of prints with Q&A session total time 30 minutes

Break 15 minutes maximum

2/ Richard, Barrie, David will spend about 15 minutes each going through the post processing method each use when preparing images for printing & Pdis - allowing a 15 minute Q&A session at end (total time one hour) - maybe certain amount of duplication

The next Discussion Group will be sometime second half November (date TBA) that will include
Peter Humphrey, Alan G and Malcolm M with subjects to be agreed during the above evening.

can Bob Maberley, David Wild confirm receipt of this message

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Re: Invitation to Additional Training outside Club Nights on Thursday 10th Sept.

Please note for those not aware of location the address is

Westcombe Park Rugby Football Club.
Orpington. Kent.
BR6 9SX.
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Re: Discussion Group :: 10th Sept 2015

Bob Mabberley
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Have made a note of this and am looking forward to the evening
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Re: Discussion Group :: 10th Sept 2015

i think we have the following going to above

1) Bob M
2) Derek S
3) Neil H
4) Brian K
5) Dave J
6) Avril
7) Alan G

awaiting i think

8) David W
9) Malcolm M
10) Chris S?
11) Peter H
12) BD
13) DB
14) RW

any other takers please confirm

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Re: Discussion Group :: 10th Sept 2015

Malcolm Ming
I'll be there seeing that I have the new laptop :-)
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Re: Discussion Group :: 10th Sept 2015

Chris Sawyer
I'll be there on the 10th.
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Re: Discussion Group :: 10th Sept 2015

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Do we need the projector for this session?

If so I will arrange collection from RW's place.

If I don't hear otherwise I'll not bring it as I have no room at home for it.
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Re: Discussion Group :: 10th Sept 2015

Yes please Al, plus DB reckons they have screen at Club which is quite important. (can we confirm)

Is Richard coming as he’s got slot on the presentation section


On 4 Sep 2015, at 22:51, Alan Graham [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Do we need the projector for this session?

If so I will arrange collection from RW's place.

If I don't hear otherwise I'll not bring it as I have no room at home for it.
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Re: Discussion Group :: 10th Sept 2015

final update on who's attending 10/9/15

1) Bob M
2) Derek S
3) Neil H
4) Brian K
5) Dave J
6) Avril
7) Alan G
8) David W
9) Malcolm M
10) Chris S
11) Peter H
12) Tracey E
12) BD
13) DB
14) RW ?