Famous Willow Tree vandalised in Wanaka NZ

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Famous Willow Tree vandalised in Wanaka NZ

For anyone who’s been to NZ this story will sadly depress the issue of over-tourism.

I recall visiting this location long before the photography bug started to take hold and I know many will be aware + taken photos of this iconic site during their trips. (PH perhaps)

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Re: Famous Willow Tree vandalised in Wanaka NZ

OPS Notices
I have visited Wanaka 3 times but believe it or not I have never succumbed to photographing the tree.

It is sad that this would happen but my first thought isn't why would a tourist do it but does a local think by doing it will cut the number of visitors at this worrying time?

Whoever does things like this are not of sound mind.
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Re: Famous Willow Tree vandalised in Wanaka NZ

In reply to this post by Bazza
I saw this story and was saddened that no one will see this tree as it was anymore. I did succumb to taking lots of photos. I know its been done before by many others, but these were MY photos and taken in lots of different conditions.
I remember one evening trying to get photos of the birds coming in to roost on the tree and having an argument with someone who wanted to put up a drone, which would of course have frightened the birds off never to be seen again that evening.
I've posted a couple of photos I took on my trip. Just goes to show you should capture images when you can.
This one is called 'Final Approach'
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Re: Famous Willow Tree vandalised in Wanaka NZ

In reply to this post by Bazza
Ducks in a Row