“ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

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“ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

OPS Notices
The OPS Summer outing will be held on Wednesday 16th August 2017. Times: See below.

We will head up to London Bridge where the challenge will begin.

ISpy2 is all about seeing the world around you. Observation is a powerful tool in photography, what do you miss but others see? Can you predict what is about to happen and are you ready to capture it? Are you the dog, cat or the one who saw it about to happen?

The exercise will be in 3 parts. The first is to get you working in teams to explore an area that may or may not be new to you. Secondly you will be finding images that might challenge your normal style or comfort zone. Finally you will work with other members to explore new techniques and tips.

1. Team Work

There will be a number of images of objects/locations that need to be reproduced on a phone camera. When they have been found I need the image sent to me via WhatsApp. Each team will have a member who can do this.

All teams will have the same images and the first to send them all to me will win bonus points. There will be a time limit set at which point the team with most will win bonus points. Each team will work a given route in opposite directions to allow equal distance.

Each image will have a question that goes with the location. Correct answers will carry bonus points.

2. Personal Challenge

You will also be given a list of images to take yourself. These will be sent to me as PDIs after the event. Each correct interpretation will count towards your team score. The best of these will be shown on the events page of the OPS website.

3. Group Work

Finally we will explore together other areas of the South Bank during which time members should be willing to share tips and techniques on catching street images. Hopefully by now your observational senses will be honed into finding useful images of your own to use during the coming season.

Full travel arrangements will be announced nearer the time. I expect I will travel on the 09:45 train from Chelsfield to London Bridge. This calls at Orpington at 09:49 and at Petts Wood at 09:52. It arrives at London Bridge at 10:16. The benefit of this train is you are almost guaranteed a seat (at Chelsfield) as a group even if it is a slower train.

Returning from London will be at each member’s discretion. As a guide I’d hope to be on the 15:14 or 15:44 from London Bridge to Chelsfield at the latest.
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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

OPS Notices
Please add your name to this post if you can make this trip up to London. Thanks.
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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

Richard W
Count me in !
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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by OPS Notices
Me, me, me...
Click.... Blank....
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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

Chris Nash
In reply to this post by OPS Notices
I'm up for the challenge.............
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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

Me too........
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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

David Barnes
In reply to this post by OPS Notices
I'm in!
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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by OPS Notices
I would like to come along to "ISpy2".  Please put me on the list.
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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

OPS Notices
In reply to this post by OPS Notices
A reminder that this OPS outing is next Wednesday. Apart from the following are there any more members wishing to come along? We have two new members joining us for the challenge.

Alan Graham (Quiz Master)

David Barnes (Team Leader & WhatsApp Wizard)
Richard Waterman (Team Leader & WhatsApp Wizard)
Barrie Duffield
Chris Nash
Chris Sawyer
Steve Bacon
George Knowles-Bacon

For full details of the challenges and travel arrangements please look at the first entry to this thread.
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Re: “ISpy2” Wednesday 16th August 2017

Chris Sawyer
Unfortunately I will not be able to make the 'ISpy2' challenge.  Hope you all have fun.