The London Region of the Royal Photographic Society (RPS) is looking for images of the Jubilee. The 2nd project is open to to everyone (I.e.non-RPS members). Here are the details:
PLATINUM JUBILEE SPECIAL We invite London Photographers to take part in two photo projects to celebrate and record the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. THE FIRST PROJECT is for just 70 RPS London Region Members to submit one high quality photograph each of a Jubilee-related event: These images will be used to create a Souvenir Photobook. THE SECOND PROJECT is to join us in creating a snapshot of a wide range of activities taking place over this once-in-a lifetime weekend: 'A Unique Moment in Time'. Numbers for this will not be limited and you do not need to be a London Region Member to take part. SEE BELOW FOR MORE INFORMATION AND FOR SIGN-UP LINKS Her Majesty the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in 70 Pictures Seventy London Region Members are invited to submit one photograph of a Jubilee-related event – preferably held over the 4-day weekend, but perhaps before, perhaps of preparations for an event. The seventy images will create a photobook. Each of the seventy photographers will receive an electronic version of the book and links to buy a softback or hard back copy. We plan to present a hardback copy to the Palace! The rules: 1. To submit a photograph you must be an RPS London Region Member (as at today and until at least the end of June 2022). 2. Photographs must be your own work. 3. They must be taken before midnight on Sunday 5th June and uploaded to a Dropbox link, which will be sent to you at sign up, by midnight on Sunday, 12th June. 4. They can be taken on any device (e.g. a camera phone if you wish) but they must be of reasonable size and quality for publication in a book. 5. Since we are limiting this project to seventy photographers, we anticipate that this may be over-subscribed, so this is advance warning that sign-up will open at 8am on Saturday 14th May and participation will be on a “first come, first served” basis. Please sign up here: the project is free and open only to London Region Members. Her Majesty the Queen's Platinum Jubilee: A Unique Moment in Time The objective is to create a snapshot of the wide range of activities which take place over this once-in-a-lifetime weekend. 1. This project is free and open to everyone - you don't have to be a London Region Member of the RPS. It is in two parts:- 2. Maximum two images per photographer - uploaded to Dropbox link to be provided at sign up and which will form the Book or Album. 3. Unlimited uploads to Instagram - tag will be provided at sign up - for fun and sharing. 4. Photographs should be of one or two events or activities in which the photographer participated over the four-day weekend. Images can be of anything: they do not necessarily have to be Jubilee-related (of course it is nice if they are) – a Jubilee Street Party, a friend’s barbecue, partying in Ibiza, a game safari in Africa – or even an “anti-monarchy rally”! This is about a “moment in time”. The only restrictions are that: 5. Images must be taken over the four days 2nd to 5th June. 6. Just two per person for the Dropbox link and Album. To participate, please sign up here after 8.00am on Saturday 14th. In your confirmation e-mail, you will be sent the Dropbox link for your maximum two images to be included in the “Scrapbook” and the Instagram Tag – for sharing. Every photographer who has signed up will receive an electronic copy of the book; and a soft-cover version will be available for purchase. Enjoy the long weekend and help us to create two great souvenirs Questions should be sent in the first place to David: Most importantly - have fun! |
Hi Philip,
Thanks for posting the details about the Jubilee Project. I would like to sign up, even if it is just to see the photos that were taken by others, but cannot find where to do this. If possible, please can you post a link to the RPS sign up page. Thanks, Chris |
Here is the link to the 2nd Jubilee Project |
Thanks Philip - now I need to take 2 photos.
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