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Re: KCPA EXHIBITION last few days reminder

At first I thought it would be obvious but upon reading the definitions there does seem to be a contradiction 

Suggest you ask Tracy Hughes or Melanie Chalk the competition Coordinators at [hidden email] and post response on forum

My guess would be under the Mono category 

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On Mar 7, 2015, at 11:11 PM, Alan Graham [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Is a mono portrait classed as a mono or a portrait???
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Re: KCPA EXHIBITION last few days reminder

Alan Graham
The logic I took was using their categories as a whole.

Record, Portrait, Colour or Mono.

Both Record and Portrait only state what should go into that category whilst Colour and Mono states what can't. Why they have two pairs of categories that repeat themselves is odd. If Record and Portrait can only be in colour shouldn't they go into Colour?

I have sent an email. Will await their reply and report back. ;o)
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Re: KCPA EXHIBITION last few days reminder

Alan Graham
Here is the reply. It seems I did it right... :o))

"I think it could go in either, your choice but guess in Portraits its judged against similar but if in Mono judges might question why you didn't put in Portrait!!!
If you need to make any changes it is easy to go back in by unfinalising. You can remove, add etc then finalise again right up until the cut off date. Hope that helps.

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Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Bazza
I'd like to congratulate Richard Waterman for having his PDI 'Phuket Sunrise' accepted for the KCLA Colour 2015 Exhibition.

It is being used on the front page of their website to promote the exhibition. It is the last one of their slideshow.


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Unless the KCPA website is incorrect, according to the list of accepted images, Phuket Sunrise was not accepted. However Richard did have 'City Hall' accepted in the Digital Mono section.
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Alan Graham
It's good to see someone is paying attention!

The website is obviously incorrect or they have done a recount. As you say Richard did get 'City Hall' accepted but not 'Punket Sunrise'. Hopefully they haven't made any more mistakes.

Needless to say my congratulations extend to all those who have been selected or been awarded.
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