May challenge (Fast Shutter)

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May challenge (Fast Shutter)

OPS Notices
A day early but I'll post this. Part of the summer challenge, the next subject is Fast Shutter.

We capture a moment in time with every photo we take, but with a fast shutter speed that moment is extremely small. Often only a long as 1/4000th of a second.
As we are capturing motion with our fast shutter speeds, how about capturing some cool action such as drips, spills, breaks or spins? Any type of movement, however, can be suitable for fast shutter speed photography. Think also of birds in flight, people in motion, and ink in water photography.

You can post after the end of May, I only create topics to collate all the entries in separate threads.

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Re: May challenge (Fast Shutter)

My first entry following an early visit today at Kelsey Park when taking my car for service, I had several hours to check out the forthcoming outing.

Obviously it was very windy today which made the young Heron's somewhat agitiated around the many nests of the lake.

I have never seen so many Herons (possibly 6-10) in one location all busily getting branches and twigs to build up their windswept nests. (brilliant morning and conditions)


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Re: May challenge (Fast Shutter)

Chris Sawyer
Barrie, You got the 'decisive moment' in the first shot.  Great capture!
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Re: May challenge (Fast Shutter)

Chris Nash
In reply to this post by OPS Notices
A couple of shots of a Canada and a Greylag Goose at Keston Ponds this morning.

Canada Goose

Greylag Goose
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Re: May challenge (Fast Shutter)

Kelsey part two

Heron on the Wing

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Re: May challenge (Fast Shutter)

Richard W
Nice shot Barrie, what focal length did you use?
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Re: May challenge (Fast Shutter)

Cheers Richard, 

I was using my new OMD M1 Mk3 with 4–150 mm M4/3 lens = 300 mm plus 2 x T-converter = 601 mm focal length on 35mm

ISO 800 SP mode,  1/800 sec at 5.6 f stop

Inside leg measurement was 29 ‘’ now 28 ‘'

On 5 May 2021, at 18:23, Richard W [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Nice shot Barrie, what focal length did you use?

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Re: May challenge (Fast Shutter)

Not much action but fast shutter on the dropping peanut says it all on the Blue Tit's face

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Re: May challenge (Fast Shutter)

Ian Stedman

I like the bird shots, they are nicely composed. In your first picture I missed the sitting bird on the perch before the cormorant (is that right) aborted it's landing.

Hope to capture a few shots from Bluewater lakes at the weekend to add to this topic.
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Re: May challenge (Fast Shutter)

David Barnes
In reply to this post by OPS Notices
Money down the drain.