Next year’s programme has been finalised except the themes for each of the member’s evenings. These will be selected by the members from a list of possibles. You simply select 2 of the following themes and the one with the highest number of votes will be run on the 24th October 2017 at the first member’s evening.
Please tick 2 options on the poll below. (The poll closes after 25 days from start.)
Member’s Meanders: Whether it was just a day trip or a trip of a lifetime present a set of between 5 and 10 PDIs that shows why it was so special.
Member’s Macros: Produce 5 macro PDIs of any subject of your choice. Maybe you could challenge the other members to try and identify what your subject matter is.
Member’s Mobiles: Grab your mobiles and head out to capture between 5 and 10 images all taken in one day. Very much ‘the day in the life of our members’ Note: images of different TV programmes may not be very interesting…
Member’s Memories: Could you give your life story in 6 images? Remember the first image taken of you or even the latest? Tell your story, if you dare…