NGC2264 Christmas Tree, Cone and Foxfur Nebulae Monoceros

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NGC2264 Christmas Tree, Cone and Foxfur Nebulae Monoceros

This post was updated on .

this is 19x600 subs, 2,600 light years away
  my first time outside for quite a while. had a lot of problems getting cameras etc to connect but got there in the end.
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Re: NGC2264 Christmas Tree, Cone and Foxfur Nebulae Monoceros

Richard W
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Re: NGC2264 Christmas Tree, Cone and Foxfur Nebulae Monoceros

Chris Sawyer
I'm looking forward to seeing NGC2264 in all its astro glory.
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Re: NGC2264 Christmas Tree, Cone and Foxfur Nebulae Monoceros

Ian Stedman
Show a picture of a star constellation and a judge will struggle to get a sense of scale!
I'll be interested to see the photos.
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Re: NGC2264 Christmas Tree, Cone and Foxfur Nebulae Monoceros

Alan Graham
Does this give you sense of scale? The ISS just went overhead with an added bonus of a couple of satellites crossing its path. Taken with my smartphone.

Click.... Blank....
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Re: NGC2264 Christmas Tree, Cone and Foxfur Nebulae Monoceros

Chris Sawyer
Thanks Alan - it's funny how something like the ISS is normally so hard to see, but it's path is so obvious under a long exposure.  How many minutes?
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Re: NGC2264 Christmas Tree, Cone and Foxfur Nebulae Monoceros

OPS Notices
Chris, I use an app to see when it is coming over, we've had some good views lately. The first image was for 126 seconds, the second was 75 seconds.

This one later in the evening is a Qantas 767 leaving Heathrow heading non-stop to Perth, Australia. That exposure was for 18 seconds. All 3 images have been cropped a little but little else.

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Re: NGC2264 Christmas Tree, Cone and Foxfur Nebulae Monoceros

In reply to this post by Fay
can you see the image I have put on? I seem to remember there was a particular way to put pictures in a post

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Re: NGC2264 Christmas Tree, Cone and Foxfur Nebulae Monoceros

Alan Graham
Yes Fay it has now appeared.
Click.... Blank....
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Re: NGC2264 Christmas Tree, Cone and Foxfur Nebulae Monoceros

thanks Alan