PDI Round 3 2020

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PDI Round 3 2020

Richard W
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Folks, so far I have received entries from the following people, as always this list will be updated so keep your eyes on it:-

David Barnes
Fay Saunders
Richard Waterman
Peter Humphrey
Phil Brown
Jan Gilkes
Barrie Duffield
Alan Graham
Chris Sawyer
Chris Nash
Yicheng Lu
Paul Brett
George K-B
Ron Jarvis
Ian Stedman
David Grimwade
Neil Hobday

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Re: PDI Round 3 2020

OPS Notices
Can I remind folk to submit their PDI 3 images by the 4th February.

Please note any images sent in this coming week will not be acknowledged or names added to the above list until after next weekend.
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Re: PDI Round 3 2020

OPS Notices
This post was updated on .
The third round of the PDI competition saw 17 members present a total of 51 images to our judge Kirsty Ralfs ARPS QGP.

The full set of marks given and the final standings can be seen on the attached pdfs below.

Six images were held with four awarded maximum marks:

'Metropolis' by Peter Humphrey FRPS

''The Promise of Spring' by Alan Graham LRPS

'Sea Eagle on the Wind' by Fay Saunders 

and the winning image:

'Bough Beech in Winter' by Fay Saunders

Our congratulations to Fay for her win and double 20!


This being the final round of our PDI competition for 2019-2020 season the standings are listed on the attached PDF.

The winner:

Peter Humphrey FRPS with 166 points

Joint runner up:

Jan Gilkes & Alan Graham LRPS with 159 points.

Congratulations to Peter for his win and to Jan and Alan for coming second.
