PDI of the year 2021/2022 results

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PDI of the year 2021/2022 results

OPS Notices

Last night we had the PDI of the Year competition, judged by Darren Pullman. A grand total of 50 images were presented to Darren to review, a total of 17 were held for later consideration but only 6 would then go on to achieve greatness. The standard of images in the final was very high.


Marsh Harrier with nesting material - Fay Saunders

It's nearly 10 to at Waterloo - Peter Humphrey

Missing pieces - Peter Humphrey

Highly Commended

Durdle Door towards Bats Head - David Bacon

Growing up - Richard Waterman

Overall Winner

Gaudiesque reflection - David Bacon

Congratulations to David Bacon.

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Re: PDI of the year 2021/2022 results

Congratulations David for winning the PDI Final, and well done to Fay, Peter and Richard. All great images!
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Re: PDI of the year 2021/2022 results

Thanks Philip, hope you are feeling better.
Well done David!!

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Re: PDI of the year 2021/2022 results

In reply to this post by OPS Notices
Think it was my Durdle Door that was the overall winner and the Gaudiesque reflection highly commended
I attach a cleaner version
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Re: PDI of the year 2021/2022 results

No David, it was definitely the Gaudi reflection that won