Photographic projector

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Photographic projector

I need to buy an LED photographic projector, which can be calibrated, but don't know where to start. All those I've come across for photographic clubs are in the region of £1500-2500! Can anyone recommend a suitable projector? My budget is up to a maximum of £600. The projector is for the Bromley U3A Camera Club which I currently run and may also be used by the Orpington U3A Digital Camera Group (which meets in my home).

Steve H
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Re: Photographic projector

Chris Sawyer
Hi Steve,

This is the projector we bought for the club last year. It's just over £500 (including VAT).

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Re: Photographic projector

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by hammettsr

Does it need to be an LED projector?
They are more expensive for higher output power versions, hence the replacement projector for the club has a halogen type bulb. The new projector has 'user' modes that allow that allow colour levels, brightness, contrast and maybe Gamma to be adjusted. Richard and I calibrated it using a default mode and running the display screen wizard in Windows, cross checking with my calibrated Laptop display.

I currently have the old projector in a cupboard at home. It was occasionally flagging a bulb error but works, if you want to try this and if it is suitable, for a small donation to club funds, you could keep it. This also has user modes to tweak the settings.
