Pop-Up Display 21st July 11am - 2pm

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Pop-Up Display 21st July 11am - 2pm

OPS Notices
Orpington 1st are having a pop-up display advertising their calendar competition on Saturday 21st July. We have been invited to join them with a mini display of our images so that we can promote the Annual Exhibition and the society generally.

The pop-up will be under gazebos in the High Street at the exit of the Walnuts pedestrian area.

Space on the display boards will be limited but if those who volunteer to man it bring up to 4 images we can rotate the display according to who is on duty. Apart from promoting the exhibition and the society it will be a chance to discuss your images with the general public.

Being in the open we will not display any images from members who cannot attend on the day. It will be advisable to have at least 2 members in attendance at any one time.

Please indicate below if you can help during this display. Orp1st may need some help setting up just before 11am also.
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Re: Pop-Up Display 21st July 11am - 2pm

I would like to help and can be available before 11am to help set up too.
Jan Gilkes
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Re: Pop-Up Display 21st July 11am - 2pm

Paul Brett
In reply to this post by OPS Notices
I can be available for our rota too.

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Re: Pop-Up Display 21st July 11am - 2pm

I’am available for a rota 

Sent from my iPhone

On 2 Jul 2018, at 15:49, Paul Brett [via Orpington Photographic Society Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

I can be available for our rota too.


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Re: Pop-Up Display 21st July 11am - 2pm

Richard W
In reply to this post by Paul Brett
Count me in
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Re: Pop-Up Display 21st July 11am - 2pm

Chris Nash
In reply to this post by OPS Notices
I would be happy to help on the 21st.
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Re: Pop-Up Display 21st July 11am - 2pm

Chris Sawyer
I can help on the 21st as well.
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Re: Pop-Up Display 21st July 11am - 2pm

David Barnes
In reply to this post by OPS Notices
Count me in.
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Re: Pop-Up Display 21st July 11am - 2pm

Alan Graham
I have had Chris from Orp1st contact me. He would like help setting up the gazebo and display boards from 10am.

The gazebo will be 6m x 3m and I'm not sure how the display will work but if volunteers can bring their prints along early and some form of rota between display and cafe can be worked out.

David B, can you make sure we have the magic print holders available from the start, cheers. As these have not been tested outside does anyone have the pins we used in the past?

The event will be between 11am and 2pm. Any one not attending the full period please give a time so that others can be given a break. Thanks.

When I'm at my pc I will produce a rota. I'd hope for 2 members to be on hand at any one time.
Click.... Blank....
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Re: Pop-Up Display 21st July 11am - 2pm

Chris Sawyer
Hi Alan,

I have the pins for hanging the prints.  I'll bring some along.

I'll also bring the 'Public Liability Insurance' document as previously discussed.

I can be around from 10am for setting up the stands.
