SLF Finals Day 2020

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SLF Finals Day 2020

David Barnes
SLF Finals Day 2020 will be on 25 April.
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Re: SLF Finals Day 2020

OPS Notices
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Re: SLF Finals Day 2020

OPS Notices
From Gill Peachey:

SLF Finals Day will be held on Saturday 25th April 2020 at 2pm at The Mitre Theatre, Trinity School, Shirley Park, Croydon, CR9 7AT.
Doors will open at 1pm for the exhibition. Tickets cost £5 and a poster for your members & noticeboard is attached.

Our judges for the event are: Clive Tanner FRPS MPAGB APAGB, Ron Tear ARPS MPAGB BPE3* PSA3* & Andy Smith LRPS CPAGB

The competitions to be held are:
·         Inter-Club Finals:
            Alex Falk Trophy (colour prints)
                 Holroyd Trophy (monochrome prints)
            Vic Smith Trophy (PDIs)
·        Certificate Winners Comps:
                  KJP Trophy (colour prints)
                  Owen Trophy (monochrome prints)    
                  Edwin Appleton Rose Bowl (PDIs)
 ·         Open Competitions:
            Punch Bowl (colour prints)
             Retina Cup (monochrome prints)    
             Jack's Jug (PDIs)
You should refer to the rules for each competition as stated in section 3 of the handbook which is on the SLF website at: Handbook Section 3 Competitions

Certificate Winners Comps - as usual, clubs that have not gained a certificate in a discipline in the current season can pick a 'Club Champion' from the top scoring work in their inter-club panel to enter into the Certificate Winners competition for that discipline (there is no fee for such entries). A full list of certificate winners and those eligible to pick Club Champions will be issued when all Plate Rounds & Semi-finals have been completed.
Open Competitions - this year, to encourage wide participation, there will be no fees to enter the Open Competitions. Up to two entries per author per competition.
Please note that the re-use of images in more than one discipline in the Open Competitions is not allowed.
If we have more print entries than we can display in the exhibition, we will try to display the first print from each entrant in each competition. Digital files of any prints we cannot display in the exhibition will be displayed in a slideshow.
Information re Prints:
All prints must be on 40 x 50 cm mounts. They must be mounted with a backing board and there must be nothing on them that might damage other work - please use mounting tape (not masking tape!)
All prints must have the Print Title, Author, Club and Club Reference Letter clearly marked on the back (a list of club reference letters is attached to this email).
A digital file (1400 x 1050 pixel resolution) must accompany ALL prints, including those in the Inter-club Finals & Certificate Winners Competitions. If the author is unable to provide a digital file of a print, the Club Coordinator should photograph the print and submit the resulting file

Note: Any prints not conforming to the above will not be accepted.

All PDIs to be submitted in 1400 x 1050 pixel resolution.

Digital files must be uploaded to PhotoEntry by your club's Finals Day Coordinator.
The Finals Day PhotoEntry competitions will be available in February and details will be sent to Club Coordinators when they are available.
The closing date for uploading digital files of entries is 29th February 2020.
Please let me know who will be coordinating your club's entries.
At the Delegates' Meeting on Tuesday 3rd March, the Club Coordinator should hand in:
·         Prints
·         Money for tickets (cheques made payable to 'The Federation of South London Photographic Societies')
·         Trophies currently held by your club (list attached)
We hope that you will encourage your members to support us by entering the Open Competitions and attending on the day. If you have any further questions, please contact me.

The Federation Committee needs your support to run this event. We would appreciate having at least one volunteer from each club to help on the day. Please ask your club for volunteers and supply details at the Delegates Meeting.
Kind regards,
Gill Peachey
(SLF Competition Sec.)
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Re: SLF Finals Day 2020

Richard W

To further amplify David's email above it is important that you all get your PDI's ready to me BEFORE 27th Feb to allow me time to sort out any issues. This includes the PDI copy of any prints that you are submitting.

Essentially you can enter 2 x PDI, 2 x Colour Print and 2 x Mono Print. The prints themselves have to be with David BEFORE 1st Mar to allow him time to sort them out. It is imperative that the back of each print conforms to the rules set out above. Please use the letter N as our club reference on the back of each print - make it big enough to be seen easily or your prints may get lost !!!

If you have any questions please contact David or myself asap

cheers aye
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Re: SLF Finals Day 2020 - additional details

David Barnes
In reply to this post by David Barnes

Finals Day always needs volunteers to help with running the show.
Contact David Barnes by March 2 to offer your help.
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Re: SLF Finals Day 2020 - additional details

Richard W
I made contact with the SLF Committee this morning to enquire about the SLF Finals Day. As expected it has been cancelled but clubs have not been made aware (for some strange reason). They did have a contingency plan (??) but that has also failed.
Meantime for those who submitted prints they will be held by the SLF Committee until further notice.
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Re: SLF Finals Day 2020 - additional details

OPS Notices
From the SLF tonight:

In light of the coronavirus situation, the federation's finals day event at Trinity School, Croydon, scheduled for Saturday 25 April, was cancelled on Monday 16 April.

But please be assured that all prints collected for the appropriate competitions remain in the safe care of the committee.

Prior to the cancellation we had been examining the possibility of holding instead a “behind-closed-doors” judging of the various competitions.

If possible, this would have meant that the 2019/20 programme would still have been completed before member clubs' normal summer recess.

Clearly, however, as the health of those involved is paramount, this is no longer feasible - particularly given the latest government measures to contain further spread of the virus.

Therefore, all scheduled federation activities are necessarily suspended for the immediately forseeable future.

Meanwhile, the committee will be keeping close watch on developments that may impinge on the federation’s activities once the current crisis is over.

Bill Yates


· Please keep the federation regularly updated as to the those in your club with whom you would wish us to communicate on this and other relevant issues
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Re: SLF Finals Day 2020

In reply to this post by David Barnes
David, was the SLF comp cancelled? will the entries all go forward to a better time,

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Re: SLF Finals Day 2020

David Barnes
Fay, I'm not aware of any plans. FSLPS website has nothing relevant.
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Re: SLF Finals Day 2020

Alan Graham
An update from Gill Peachey about the SLF finals.

The committee has given considerable thought as to how we can get the 2020 SLF Finals Day work judged. Currently, we can make no further progress on the judging of the print competitions, but we will continue to monitor the situation and get them judged as and when lockdown restrictions ease.

We are in the position to get the PDI competitions judged in the near future. Two of our planned 2020 Finals Day judges, Ron Tear ARPS MPAGB BPE3* PSA3* and Andy Smith LRPS CPAGB, have kindly offered their services to judge the 3 PDI competitions remotely. One will judge the inter-club final competition and the other will judge both the certificate winners and open competitions (to avoid having to judge any image twice).

Neither Ron or Andy are geared up to record their judging using Zoom, but they have both offered to produce a set of notes on the images they judge. This will be in the usual format for Finals Day ie comments for all images in the inter-club final and a selection of the entries in both the certificate winners & open competitions. These comments will be made available to clubs.

We will keep you posted with developments.
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