Spitalfield walk: 9th July 2014

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Spitalfield walk: 9th July 2014

Alan Graham
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SPITALFIELDS walk with Maggie (Smithfield Guide)

I have contacted Maggie and she is free to do this walk any day between Wednesday 9th and Saturday 12th July.

Start point for this walk is "Liverpool Street station near the main underground ticket barriers, next to a fruit and veg stall" and can begin at 11am. Estimated duration 3-5 hours.

Below is the brief for Maggies Spitalfields walk.

Maggie wrote
It will be a circular walk of about 3 miles. But it will take a good couple of hours to get around as it's very photogenic. It's full of old history  (Jack the Ripper stalked here) and old buildings, mainly Georgian and has a long history of housing refugees from other parts of the world and they've left their mark on the area.

We will see lots of graffiti (high standard) and pass by the old Truman's Brewery (now a market and arts venue) in Brick Lane. It was once the world’s largest brewery.

After that we'll head back in to the city and pass by the Gherkin, the cylindrical glass building designed by Richard Rogers. Past the Lloyds Insurance building. Then we'll visit the 1881 Leadenhall Market, which was used for filming for Harry Potter's Diagon Alley.

The walk will take us through some shabby areas that are now shabby chic. We will go close to a deprived ethnic area and then on to an area of high wealth and finance.

The above is just a snapshot of the area. There's lots to see. It's all very photogenic and will suit people who like history, graffiti, and modern architecture and old buildings. There will also be coffee and toilet breaks.

The walk is very informal and flexible, we may make slight changes to the route if people want to see something they've spotted.
Could you let me know asap if and when you can make this walk?
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Re: Spitalfield walk: July

Alan Graham
My available days are Wed 9th or Fri 11th. We have the committee meeting on Thursday so unless we hold it up town it my be a little OTT OPS that day...
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Re: Spitalfield walk: July

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Alan - I can make either Wednesday 9th or Friday 11th July.  Thanks, Chris
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Re: Spitalfield walk: July

In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Please add my name to list, no preferred date except can't do 10th July and maybe best Tuesdays and Thursdays so will go with flow
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Re: Spitalfield walk: July

David Barnes
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Any day for me please.
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Re: Spitalfield walk: July

Alan Graham
I will wait until tomorrow to hear from others before contacting Maggie.

Four is enough to get it off the ground, seven is just enough not to make it too crowded.

It is a toss up between Wednesday 9th or Friday 11th as it stands. I will make an executive decision if other members don't tip the balance in the meantime. Now where's my lucky coin...

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Re: Spitalfield walk: July

I could 9th but not 11th
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Re: Spitalfield walk: 9th July 2014

Alan Graham
I will ask Maggie to book the 9th for us as this seems the best date.
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Re: Spitalfield walk: 9th July 2014

Alan Graham
The 9th has now been booked and confirmed with Maggie.
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Re: Spitalfield walk: 9th July 2014

Chris Sawyer
Thanks Alan, please add me to the list for the 9th.