Submission rules

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Submission rules

Richard W
Sounds like a wrestling match!
I understand the rules regarding submission of prints into previous internal rounds of the Society or other club/society competitions etc but what about other competitions i.e. internet or magazine ? Can I submit the same image into PDI and to a magazine at the same time?
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Re: Submission rules

Alan Graham
I'm glad you asked that...

I was wondering if a photo shown during a session like last week, where no judging appeared to take place and had more a 'show & tell' feel to it, could be entered into a more official PDI competition like PDI 3 for example?

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Re: Submission rules

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Richard W
The rules are a little bit tortuous to follow, but they relate to internal and external competitions and when you move from another club to OPS.  There's no problem in submitting PDIs to magazines for competitions (members have done this before and had images printed and even won prizes).  The theme nights such as 'Water' and 'Hair' are good opportunities to show your work and get feedback from members and there is no bar on submitting the images for PDI competitions this year or in the future.  
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Re: Submission rules

Alan Graham
Thanks Chris for clearing that up, I would have to limit my themed images otherwise...!
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