Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

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Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

David Barnes
Here are some of my ideas!

Ladies Day at Bright Races on August 7 -

The course at Brighton is open and one can get close to the action in places. And no charge! Dates of other meetings here 

I will go to this on 14 September provided weather is fine

On a more sedate note our closest Morris Dance Side is the Ravensbourne They seem to meet at pubs!

Anyone interested in any of these?

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Re: Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

Alan Graham
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Here's some events that's local, may not be classed as 'outings' though:

St Christopher's Bromley Summer Fair & Car Show.

Saturday June 14th 11am-4pm on the green at Green Street Green.

I will be attending with my 1970 Morris Minor Traveller as is my friend who is bringing his one along. I gather a number of other classic cars are on show together with the chance to snap crowds. Come along and say hello.

Matilda & Cassie

Another classic car meeting is held each year at Coolings but they also have this:

Coolings website wrote
Friday 8th August 2014

Super Car Show

11:00 - 16:00

Super Car Show

Come and feast your eyes over some super cars.  Bentley's, Jaguar, Lamborghini to name a few.  A treat for all car lovers.

Location: Coolings, The Gardener's Garden Centre

Cost: Free to attend

No need to book
The next day I will be attending, with my Morris, the Classic Car Show there:

Coolings website wrote
Saturday 9th August 2014

Classic Car Show

11:00 - 16:00

Come once again to our Annual Car Show which is a fantastic day out.  Last year we had a huge amount of vehicles.  Entrance is free.

If you would like to bring a vehicle please make sure it is 30 years old or more as we have an overwhelming number of exhibitors every year.  Just come along on the day between 10.30am and 11am.  If you have a vehicle that is younger and of interest please let us know and we might be able to fit it in.

Location: Coolings, The Gardener's Garden Centre

Cost: Free to attend
This show is getting quite big so draws lots of people.

Coolings 2013

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Re: Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by David Barnes
Do Morris Dancers have a special code for their calendar? I can't make head or tail of their dates. Maybe they mixed the dates with the dance routines...
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Re: Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

David Barnes
Tuesdays and weekends. Times and places (usually pubs).
Does the link not work for you?
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Re: Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

Alan Graham
Just checked again and the calendar is showing OK now. Before I had no template and the dates just ran as a list of numbers...

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Re: Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Alan Graham

I'm also hoping to come along to Green Street Green this Saturday 14th June.  I'll look out for your car!  I might see if I can pick up some interesting vintage details with my macro lens (particularly after a recent judge advised against background clutter in car shots!).
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Re: Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

Alan Graham
A reminder that the St Christopher's Bromley Summer Fair & Car Show is today.

Saturday June 14th 11am-4pm on the green at Green Street Green.

I'll be advertising OPS with a small poster on my Morris. See you there!
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Re: Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

Alan Graham

Bexhill Roaring 20s.

Sat 19th July

Is this a possible day trip?

Website Link

1066 Country wrote
A vibrant period event on Bexhill's elegant Edwardian seafront.
The only formation wing walking team in the world - Breitling Wing Walkers
The Tiger Club air display
Terbulant air display
Over 100 vintage and classic cars
Charleston Dancers
1920s Big Band
Vintage Fun Fair
Donkey rides
HMS Nelson Royal Naval Marching Band
1920s Musical Theatre and more...!!
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Re: Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

Alan Graham
SPITALFIELDS walk with Maggie (Smithfield Guide)

Below is the brief for Maggies Spitalfields walk.

Should we book this tour with her, if so when? Suggestions...

Maggie wrote
It will be a circular walk of about 3 miles. But it will take a good couple of hours to get around as it's very photogenic. It's full of old history  (Jack the Ripper stalked here) and old buildings, mainly Georgian and has a long history of housing refugees from other parts of the world and they've left their mark on the area.

We will see lots of graffiti (high standard) and pass by the old Truman's Brewery (now a market and arts venue) in Brick Lane. It was once the world’s largest brewery.

After that we'll head back in to the city and pass by the Gherkin, the cylindrical glass building designed by Richard Rogers. Past the Lloyds Insurance building. Then we'll visit the 1881 Leadenhall Market, which was used for filming for Harry Potter's Diagon Alley.

The walk will take us through some shabby areas that are now shabby chic. We will go close to a deprived ethnic area and then on to an area of high wealth and finance.

The above is just a snapshot of the area. There's lots to see. It's all very photogenic and will suit people who like history, graffiti, and modern architecture and old buildings. There will also be coffee and toilet breaks.

The walk is very informal and flexible, we may make slight changes to the route if people want to see something they've spotted.
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Re: Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

David Barnes
I vote for week beginning July 7.