Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

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Re: Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

Chris Sawyer
I would like to come along on the SPITALFIELDS walk, but call me Mr Difficult as there are only certain days in early July that I can make:

Tues 1st July
Wed 2nd July
Wed 9th July
Fri 11th July
Mon 14th July
Thurs 17th July

Since David was voting for the week starting 7th July, my suggestion is Wed 9th.

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Re: Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

Alan Graham
I'm OK with:

30/6 - 3/7
7/7 - 11/7
14/7 - 18/7

Call me Mr Flexible or Mr No Life...

If we're set for a period of time, ie early July, maybe we need to ask Maggie which days are free for her?
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Re: Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

In reply to this post by David Barnes
Count me in if Im around. Away later in July.
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Re: Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

David Barnes
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Definitely worth testing opinion.
Not too far. Not too hectic.
This relates to Bexhill jolly!
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Re: Summer 2014 - Possible Outings?

Alan Graham
I will start new topic pages for all new/confirmed trips so they don't get bogged down with other suggestions in this one.

I will be starting a Spitalfields walk topic page very soon, just waiting a reply from Maggie as to possible dates.
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