Tuesday 24th May Crossrail Opening

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Tuesday 24th May Crossrail Opening

Hi all,

It’s now been announced that sections of the Crossrail will be open to the public from 24/5/22.

I’am sure a number of us have already made plans to shoot these new structures and wondered whether we could make one of our outings sometime end May.

Any input or ideas or shall we just follow Peter around…….😃

Also with forthcoming Jubilee activity, perhaps some visits to London during this period.
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Re: Tuesday 24th May Crossrail Opening

Ha ha. 6am start to avoid people…….
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Re: Tuesday 24th May Crossrail Opening

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by Bazza
Let's follow Peter for the Elizabeth line, though 6am is a little early!

I will be in London on Thursday 2nd June, I'm doing a hidden London tour of Charing Cross at 10am (tickets still available if interested), so could meet up around 12:30-13:00.
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Re: Tuesday 24th May Crossrail Opening

I’ve done that tour. Been used in lots of films.
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Re: Tuesday 24th May Crossrail Opening

In reply to this post by Bazza
I would like to have a look around too.

6am start on a Sunday could work!!
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Re: Tuesday 24th May Crossrail Opening

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Ian can you give me a link to Hidden London Tour please.Im not around when you go but will see what its all about for the future. Are you able to take photos or is it just a walking tour?

Also thinking about Crossrail
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Re: Tuesday 24th May Crossrail Opening

Ian Stedman
Hi Fay,

The hidden London tours are here:
You can take photos, but will be handheld only. I'll likely use my phone as it's miles better in low light than my camera but it can save RAW format.

As tempting as it is for photos of Crossrail, I think I'll let Peter show us how it is done!

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Re: Tuesday 24th May Crossrail Opening

When I did my ARPS on the underground I almost exclusively used a Sigma 15mm semi fisheye lens. I don’t have that lens now but I have a 10mm Fuji which equates to about 16mm on a full frame camera.
You are correct that no tripods or flash allowed so high ISO and noise reduction software required.
I think the stations of interest will be Bond St, Tottenham Court Road, Farringdon and Liverpool St.
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Re: Tuesday 24th May Crossrail Opening

Interested in this day. will watch for more details....

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Re: Tuesday 24th May Crossrail Opening

Is this on for tuesday?
