Whilst we wait for our next meeting... PHOTOS 1

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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Thanks so much for your welcome.
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

OPS Notices
Hi June, thanks for introducing yourself and for adding your lovely images. I look forward to seeing what else you produce for us as we work our way through this lockdown.

Don't forget folks we have an online meeting on Tuesday. No need to visit the hairdresser but no PJs please...
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Hello June. Thank you for sharing your images.
Really looking forward to seeing more of you work and meeting you again when our meetings resume.
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

In reply to this post by JB
Hi June and welcome to our Club,

It's usually a lot more active than this so just hang on and hope to see you when dust settles as we may even get some outings arranged before the next season.... but no guarantees !


PS what's make and type of your new camera
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Thanks everyone for your warm welcome.

I look forward to being more involved and when we get some outings arranged I will be ready for the opportunity to meet more of you and get snapping....lol

Barrie, I had an old and faithful Nikon D3400, for about two years. It has served me well, but felt it was time to upgrade, so I have opted for a Nikon Z6.

Loads to learn, but from the few days I have had it, it seems to be a bit of a beast.....

So while I'm at home its, Practice , practice, practice.....

I also have a small Canon, does all the same things the bigger camera does, but is great for travelling etc.

Here is a pic from that camera that I took last week.

This is St Mary's Church, I live five minutes away.


Have a great Sunday everyone and ill keep checking back for more isolation challenges :)

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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Chris Sawyer
Great picture of the church June - very atmospheric with the different lighting effects.
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Thanks Chris,

Just highlighting that it doesn't matter the camera, or phone. Its the persons eye, to capture that perfect moment that matters the most. To me anyway :)

Does anyone else have any recent pics they would like to share?
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

David Barnes

The boundary between isolation and the outside world.
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

OPS Notices
Well I'm thinking of having a week away,

on the drive....

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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Chris Sawyer
Looks like your larder contents are on display.
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