Whilst we wait for our next meeting... PHOTOS 1

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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

OPS Notices
Chris Sawyer wrote
Looks like your larder contents are on display.
Nothing, not even a loo roll is kept in the Puck. However my larder is slowly growing, I just have to be patient...

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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Ian Stedman
Here in sunny/windy Sidcup, we have a number of feathered visitors to our Garden.

These birds are all in a flap, they've just been told about social distancing:

The parakeets don't stick to the three seed limit:

They will work around the feeding system.

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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

In reply to this post by OPS Notices
Tabletop photography to pass a couple of hours. Oil and water don’t mix......

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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Alan Graham
Google Maps Timeline has just sent me my 'Location History' update...

Click.... Blank....
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Alan Graham
In reply to this post by Ian Stedman
Ian we hear and see the Parakeets around here but I haven't seen a sparrow for years.

Peter, good to see some experimenting. Maybe you can set a challenge with something similar...
Click.... Blank....
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Just a glass dish, water and cooking oil. Background can be anything you like to bring some colour into it.
Here’s another
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Richard W
Peter, i hope you are recycling your oils back into your chip pan
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Ian Stedman
In reply to this post by PeterH

I was going to ask how you got the varied colours, so thank you for the clarification. I love the colours in your photos, did you have to do much editing in Photoshop?

Are they macro shots or taken using normal lenses?


You're not going round in circles, yet.

We had a woodpecker visit the other day I'm told. Unfortunately I was at work so could not photograph it.


Seen any bees?
Congratulations on winning PDI of the year.
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Hi Ian
A little editing in Lightroom. Mainly exposure, contrast, clarity. I also experimented with Topaz to see what different effects I could get. I found it best to have the background some distance from the bottom of the glass dish to avoid it being too sharp. I achieved it by putting the glass dish on a glass coffee table and then I could put the background further back underneath the glass top of the table.
I tried different lenses and settled on a non macro lens - a 56mm (85 on full frame).
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Re: Whilst we wait for our next meeting...

Chris Sawyer
In reply to this post by Alan Graham
Alan - All roads lead to your coffee machine.